Typical Colors 2 Wiki

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Typical Colors 2 Wiki

[ Who knows. They burn and beat people to death.
―Class information.

The Arsonist is a robotic figure with an undisclosed origin. They are the sixth class in Typical Colors 2, serving as a power class who specializes in close range, burst and sustained damage.

The Arsonist's primary weapon is the Flamethrower, which set enemies on fire and cause them to suffer from afterburn damage over time unless they find a health pack, touch a water source, gets extinguished by a friendly Arsonist, Mad Milk or Lemonade. The Flamethrower also possesses an alt-fire which allows the Arsonist to airblast, which can extinguish burning teammates, reflect incoming projectiles and mini-crit boost them, and push enemies backward with the exception of the Brute, including enemies under the effects of a SuperCharge (excluding the Rejuvenator's Supercharge.)

The Arsonist can take on a support role for their teammates as well. Since the afterburn effect can affect disguised and cloaked Agents (with the exception of the Dead Ringer and Icicle to an extent), the Flamethrower can be used for checking and weeding out suspicious teammates and checking the map for cloaked Agents. Additionally, by using the Homewrecker, the Arsonist can also protect the Mechanic's buildings from an enemy Agent's Sapper by destroying them, and use the Airblast to save buildings from being damaged by explosives.

The Arsonist has an additional stat which renders them completely immune to Afterburn damage, although they will still be considered 'ignited' while under direct fire.

They are based off of Team Fortress 2's Pyro.


See also: Healing
Class Health Overheal Rejuvenator Overheal
Normal health 175 260 215


Condition Regular Backward Crouched Swimming
Normal speed 100% 90% 33% 80%
Wielding the Escapist's Escapade 115% 104% 38% 92%
Killing a player whilst on fire with the Thousand Degree Axe 130% 122% 43% 110%


  • Only engage in combat if the enemy is close to you. Use the Shotgun for enemies that are retreating from Flamethrower range or to finish off targets that you have softened up with your fire.
  • Avoid chasing enemies that are retreating into their base, you may be easily out-matched if the enemy has backup.
  • When fighting a projectile-using class, remember to Airblast their projectiles to deal great damage to them and their team. Airblasted projectiles are mini-crit boosted, allowing you to deal massive damage when combined with your primary fire.
    • You are also able to airblast opponents into environmental hazards (saws and pits for example).
    • Teammates can be extinguished using airblast. Upon doing so with any primary aside from the Phlogistinator, 50 health will be gained.
    • You always, at most, have 10 airblast uses on hand. Airblasting mindlessly is only sensible on suicide missions.
      • The Degreaser decreases these uses to 5, as the stats are inaccurate and a single airblast consumes 34 ammunition. In exchange, the extra deploy and holster speed allows you to combo an airblast with a shot from a Flare Gun or Shotgun.
  • If you ever encounter an enemy Mechanic with a Level 3 sentry, you may use your Airblast to reflect the rockets it fires back at it. Be careful, however, as you may sustain high amounts of bullet damage and will likely die without a source of healing.
  • When fighting enemy Arsonists, use your Shotgun if possible. Fire damage is a weak option against other Arsonists, as they are immune to Afterburn. Direct fire still does notable damage however, so if you are out of options you may use your primary.
  • You are a great friend of the Mechanic. Airblasting can get rid of Trooper rockets and Annihilator grenades to protect the Mechanic buildings. If there a dispenser nearby, you have infinite ammo for your flamethrower. Use this infinite ammo to make sure that no Agents can sap the mechanic's buildings. Using the Homewrecker is great for taking out those pesky sappers.
  • Airblast is ideal for last-ditch defensive plays on Payload maps. On the final terminus, airblast foes on the Payload Cart towards the terminus' pit, as it will instantly kill anyone who falls into it.
  • If you see a friendly Marksman with a Huntsman, light their arrow on fire using your Flamethrower, it highly increases the damage and affects the victim with afterburn, as it can be useful for taking out tough targets such as a Brute being pocketed.
  • The Arsonist is massively more effective when you learn to combo your weapons. A common combo is to soften enemies with your Flamethrower, and finish them off with a powerful blast from your secondary. There are specific weapons that are designed to combo, such as the Thousand Degree Axe which deals massive damage to burning targets, or the Flare Gun which can crit them. Effective combos can deal massive damage and get many kills if done correctly.






Notes / Special Abilities

200 N/A

Plus pictogram

Extinguishing teammates restores 50 health.
Alt Fire: Release a blast of air that pushes enemies and projectiles and extinguish teammates that are on fire.
200 N/A

Plus pictogram

This weapon deploys 60% faster.

Plus pictogram

This weapon holsters 30% faster.

Minus pictogram

-75% afterburn damage penalty.

Minus pictogram

+25% airblast cost.
200 N/A

Plus pictogram

Crits from behind.

Plus pictogram

Extinguishing teammates restores 50 health.

Minus pictogram

-20% damage penalty.
200 N/A

Plus pictogram

Build 'Energy' by dealing damage.

Plus pictogram

Taunt on full 'Energy' to gain crits for several seconds.

Minus pictogram

No afterburn.

Minus pictogram

Airblast cannot be used on players.
Airblast destroys projectiles.
HuangLong's Wrath
HuangLong's Wrath
30 N/A

• Primary Fire: Launches a fast moving projectile that briefly ignites enemies.

Plus pictogram

Extinguishing teammates restores 50 health.

Plus pictogram

+60% faster firing speed on hit.

Plus pictogram

Deals 300% damage to burning players.

Minus pictogram

-50% slower firing speed on Alt-Fire.





Notes / Special Abilities

Shotgun render
6 32
Battle Pass
Eyes of Bermuda
Battle Pass
Eyes of Bermuda
6-10 32

Plus pictogram

Clip size increased on kill. (Up to +4)

Plus pictogram

+60% bullets per shot.

Minus pictogram

20% slower firing speed.

Minus pictogram

-35% damage penalty.
0-4 32

Plus pictogram

This weapon deploys 50% faster.

Plus pictogram

+15% faster firing speed.

Plus pictogram

50% faster reload time.

Plus pictogram

Hold fire to load up to 4 shells.

Plus pictogram

Fire rate increases as health decreases.

Minus pictogram

Weapon spread increases as health decreases.
Deathblow render
3 32

Plus pictogram

On Kill: Clip fully reloaded.

Plus pictogram

This weapon deploys and holsters 50% faster.

Plus pictogram

20% more accurate.

Minus pictogram

60% more falloff.

Minus pictogram

-50% clip size.

Minus pictogram

20% slower reload time.
Family Business
Family Business
8 32

Plus pictogram

+15% faster firing speed.

Plus pictogram

+33% clip size.

Minus pictogram

-20% damage penalty.
16 N/A

Plus pictogram

+50% damage bonus.

Plus pictogram

100% mini-crits vs burning players.
Alt-Fire: Detonate flare.
This weapon will reload when not active.
Flare Gun
Flare Gun
16 N/A

Plus pictogram

100% critical hit vs burning players.
This weapon will reload when not active.





Notes / Special Abilities

Fire Extinguisher
Fire Extinguisher
BossPlus pictogram This item always crits.

Plus pictogram

On Hit Teammate: Remove debuffs on teammate.

Plus pictogram

Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health. (Unlisted)
Frying Pan render
Frying Pan
Mummy Khopesh
Mummy Khopesh
Bloxy Award
Bloxy Award
BossPlus pictogram This item always crits.
Killed enemies freeze into solid gold statues (purely cosmetic feature).

Plus pictogram

Imbued with an ancient power.
Golden Frying Pan render
Golden Frying Pan
Escapist's Escapade
Escapist's Escapade
BossPlus pictogram This item always crits.

When weapon is active:

Plus pictogram

+15% faster move speed on wearer.

Plus pictogram

Gain a speed boost when you hit an enemy player.

Minus pictogram

-20% damage penalty.

Minus pictogram

20% damage vulnerability on wearer.
BossPlus pictogram This item always crits.

When weapon is active:

Plus pictogram

Damage removes Sappers.

Plus pictogram

+100% damage vs buildings.

Plus pictogram

Attacks pierce damage resistance effects and bonuses.

Plus pictogram

-40% reduction in push force taken from damage.

Minus pictogram

-25% damage vs players.
Improvised Innovator
Improvised Innovator
BossPlus pictogram This item always crits.

Plus pictogram

+25% damage bonus.

Plus pictogram

+50% health from packs on wearer.

Minus pictogram

-75% health from healers on wearer.
Mending Mallet
Mending Mallet
BossMinus pictogram This item is disallowed in Vs. Bosses.

Plus pictogram

50% of base health restored on kill.

Minus pictogram

20% slower firing speed.

Minus pictogram

-50% holster speed.
Thousand Degree Axe
Thousand Degree Axe
BossPlus pictogram This item always crits.

When weapon is active:

Plus pictogram

Mini-crits and extinguishes burning targets.

Plus pictogram

Damage increases based on remaining afterburn duration.

Plus pictogram

Killing on burning players grant a speed boost.

Minus pictogram

-25% damage penalty.

Minus pictogram

On Miss: Hit yourself and extinguish all enemies.

Minus pictogram

This weapon holsters 35% slower.

Minus pictogram

25% more knockback vulnerability.

Cosmetic Items


  • Arsonist was originally an offensive class prior to The Update with Patches And Content.
  • Through all of Arsonist's variation, some of their accessories are made by Roblox:
  • When Ms. Charlie gives Arsonist a rare contract, two of her voice lines suggest that Mechanic does maintenance work on "it".
  • Arsonist uses the classic Brute's face and cannot be seen by normal means.
  • Arsonist's Flamethrower used to be a Flame Pistol during Pre-Rehaul, a bullet Flamethrower during Rehaul, until their finalized iteration in 2018.
  • Arsonist's 2015 design reuses the same gas mask as his Pyro appearance in Roblox Fortress 2.
  • Arsonist's voice was not changed for four years.
  • Arsonist's hurt and death lines come from the B-1 Battle Droids of the Star Wars prequels.
  • Arsonist appears as a skin in Arsenal with the other eight classes.
  • The original design for Arsonist during the rehaul was only used for a day because a few of the developers thought it would be funny, however other developers didn't.
  • Having your Roblox display name as "Pablo" or "pablogonsalez" used to change your avatar's icon to an image of a RED Arsonist retaining their 2018 design, this was an inside joke from the official Typical Colors 2 Discord server.
    • The origins of the image came from a recreation of the Fight Songs: The Music of Team Fortress 2 album cover created by reahan_achy. The image can be viewed here.
  • Arsonist is the only class to not have a single reskin.

Voice Actors


  • Past Designs
  • Thumbnails
  • GUIs
  • Concepts
  • Miscellaneous

Other Pages

Arsonist Voicelines Arsonist Matchups
