Typical Colors 2 Wiki

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Typical Colors 2 Wiki

Badges are quests that can be completed and recorded onto your Roblox profile. They can be obtained by reaching certain goals or being in a certain situation. This page logs all badges currently available in Typical Colors 2.

Standard Badges

Enabled Badges

These are the currently obtainable badges.

Badge Icon

Badge Name



Fortress of Friends
Play with a friend on the same server. Play with someone on your Roblox's friend list on the same server.
The Leader
Five Roblox users followed you into your session. Have 5 people join you through your Roblox profile.
Team up with a friend in the same server and eliminate an enemy. Get an assist with the help of someone on your Roblox friend list.
And It Begins
Reach Level 10. Reach level 10.
Reach Level 25. Reach level 25.
Reach Level 50. Reach level 50.
Reach Level 75. Reach level 75.
Pipes, Rockets and Bullets
Achieve Rank 100. Consider taking a break to drink some water. Reach level 100.
Advanced Adversary
Reach Level 150. Reach Level 150.
Merciless Mercenary
Reach Level 200. Reach Level 200.
Quarter of a Thousand
Reach Level 250. Reach Level 250.
A Difficult Feat
Reach Level 300 Reach Level 300.
Pipes, Rockets, and... What?
Reach Level 421 Reach Level 421.

Unobtainable Badges

These badges are shown as enabled but cannot be obtained for any reason.

Badge Icon

Badge Name



A Cooler Looking Flanker
Arsenal Exclusive Badge for doing a Contract Have completed the ARSENAL: Easy Takings contract to obtain this badge. To claim the reward, play Arsenal to get an exclusive skin.

Disabled Badges

These badges are not active and cannot be currently obtained in-game, but will remain in player's inventories if they were previously obtained.

Badge Icon

Badge Name


Map Shown


Enthusiast Badge
Earn fifty points in one play session.

This was available to be earned from TC2 v2 (FE Edition) and has been retired.

None This was previously available to be earned from TC2 v2 (FE Edition) but has since then been retired. It could've been obtained by getting 50 points in a single play session.
In Case Of Emergency Badge
In Case of Emergency
What ever happened to stop, drop and roll? Turbine (Old) Go to the map ctf_turbine and on the left side of the intel room, shoot one of the fire extinguishers on the wall while you are on fire.
Postcard Badge
Win on the following maps: Calamity, Seaside, Gorge, Turbine, Rooftop and Blastport. Blastport (Old) Win on the maps listed. Like the previous badge, it has a total award of 0, meaning that it was never actually implemented.
Powerhouse Badge
Win a game of Capture the Flag in 4 minutes. Turbine (Old) Simply win a match of capture the flag in less than 4 minutes. This means that your team will have to capture the enemy intelligence 3 times.
Metallic Disk Mayhem
Metallic Disk Mayhem
Have a capture count of 5 people on a single capture objective in King of the Hill. Lakeside (Old) This badge is currently broken and cannot be obtained anymore. It could've previously been obtained by having a capture rate of 5x on the control point of a King of the Hill map.
Canyon Crossers
Canyon Crossers
Win a game on Calamity on offense. Calamity (Old) This badge is currently broken and cannot be obtained anymore. It could've previously been obtained by winning a match of Calamity on offense (GRN team).
It's Cold Outside
It's Cold Outside
On Himalaya, capture the control point in 15 seconds or less of it becoming available and win the match. Himalaya Capture the control point in Himalaya in less than 15 seconds of it becoming available. Contrary to what the description says, winning the round is not necessary.
Pay The Toll
Pay the Toll
Successfully defend Calamity without letting the payload cart cross the bridge. Calamity (Old) Win a game of Calamity on defense (RED team) without letting the other team reach the second checkpoint.
Height Hazard
Height Hazard
Eliminate an enemy via a falling hazard. Rooftop (Old) Kill an enemy player via finishing them off from fall damage or pushing them off Rooftop.

Unreleased Badges

These badges are not active and have never been enabled.

Badge Icon

Badge Name


Map Shown


Double Play old
Double Play
As Flanker, kill two enemies within 5 seconds of each other. None Find two low-health enemies, and try to kill them quickly.
Homerun Badge Icon
As Flanker, get a kill with the Sandman taunt. Himalaya Press G to taunt while playing as the Flanker class and using the sandman, then line up the taunt with an enemy so that it kills them.
Baseball Blitz
Baseball Blitz
As Flanker, kill an enemy by doing 275 or more damage. Rooftop (Old) Target a full HP Brute, and while doing so dodge his attacks.
Double Play old
Rocket Jump Waltz
As Trooper, get two kills while rocket jumping. None If done right, use the Aerial Bomber and Parabomber to fire rapid rockets at two grouped up enemies.
Double Play old
Drill Sergeant
As Trooper, using the Battalion's Backup, Buff Banner, or Concheror, assist three teammates in your area of effect. None Take or deal 600 damage to activate your banner, then assist 3 teammates with the banner's effect in the area.
Medal of Honor
The Medal of Honor: Cupcake Edition
As Trooper, top score in a round as well as getting 10 or more kills. Warmtic Support your teammates by using a banner, then get at least 10 kills with your chosen weapon as Trooper.
Double Play old
Circuit Burner
As Arsonist, burn four or more enemies at the same time. None While playing as arsonist, play more aggressive, and look for large groups of enemies.
Flesh Abiding Citizen Roblox Badge
Flesh Abiding Citizen
As Arsonist, extinguish five team-mates that are on fire with your air blast in a round. Unknown Similarly to the TC2 achievement of the same name, play more active and aggressive as arsonist, and keep your eyes open for burning players.
Double Play old
Axe me if I care
As Arsonist, get two critical kills with the Axtinguisher in a round. None While being SuperCharged with the Kritzkrieg, find a group of enemies, and using your flamethrower and/or secondary, close the gap and kill them.
Double Play old
As Annihilator, get two kills with a single sticky bomb detonation. None While playing as Annihilator, play aggressive with a sticky bomb launcher of your choice, and look for a group enemies. With proper placement, two or more blast kills at the same time should follow.
Soul-struck Roblox Badge
As Annihilator with the Soulsucker, take six souls for yourself. Rooftop Just like the 'Soulsucker' TC2 Achivement, use the Soulsucker, along with a shield and Squire Boots. Then, target melee kills, and play intelligently.
Double Play old
No Build Zone
As Annihilator, destroy six Buildings in one round. None While playing as Annihilator, play aggressive with a sticky bomb and grenade launcher of your choice, and look for buildings. With proper aim and targeting, six building destructions should be possible.

Update History

June 6, 2016
  • Added 1 badge, Enthusiast (Undocumented)

September 22, 2017

  • Disabled the Enthusiast badge. (Undocumented)

August 6, 2018

  • Added 2 badges:
    • Powerhouse, Metallic Disk Mayhem

August 8, 2018

  • Added 3 badges:
    • Fortress of Friends, The Leader, Deuces
      • In Case of Emergency and Postcard were also added however they were disabled. (Undocumented)

August 18, 2018

  • Added 9 badges:
    • Canyon Crossers, It's Cold Outside, And It Begins, Showstopper, Pandemonium, Golden, Pipes, Rockets and Bullets, Pay The Toll, Height Hazard

October 7, 2018

  • Console cleanups regarding badges.

December 5, 2020

  • Added 27 disabled badges: (Undocumented)
    • Double Play, Homerun!, Baseball Blitz, Rocket Jump Waltz, Drill Sergeant, The Medal of Honor: Cupcake Edition, Circuit Burner, Flesh Abiding Citizen, Axe me if I care, Anailated!, Soul-struck, No Build Zone, The Midnight Rider, Grab some Grub, The Biker's Backup, Mechanical Marvel, Practical People Moving, Judge's Justice, Doctor Assisted Victory, Heal or Hurt?, Roughly 23 Units of Velocity with Margin for Error, Gator Country, The Real Cozy Camper, Quick & Efficient, For The Feint of Heart, Elegant & Graceful, L'ambassadeur (Undocumented)

April 23, 2021

  • Added new badge particles.
  • Badges now have better functionality.

June 11, 2021 (Summer 2021)

  • Badges are no longer obtainable

January 21, 2022

  • Disabled 6 badges: (Undocumented)
    • Canyon Crossers, Height Hazard, It's Cold Outside, Pay the Toll, Powerhouse, Metallic Disk Mayhem

January 28, 2022 (Various Visuals)

  • Badges are obtainable again. (Undocumented)
  • Added 4 badges: (Undocumented)
    • Advanced Adversary, Merciless Mercenary, Quarter of a Thousand, A Difficult Feat, Pipes, Rockets, and... What?

January 31, 2022

  • Added 1 badge, A Cooler Looking Flanker

January 31, 2022 (#2)

  • Updated the icons for Showstopper, Pandemonium, Golden, Pipes, Rocket and Bullets.

October 31, 2022 (Typical Horrors II)

  • Updated the icons for A Difficult Feat, Advanced Adversary, And it Begins, Deuces, Fortress of Friends, Golden, Merciless Mercenary, Pandemonium, Pipes, Rocket and Bullets, Pipes, Rockets and... What?, Quarter of a Thousand, Showstopper, The Leader. (Undocumented}


  • Current icons for all enabled badges are contributed by Buildingsssss.
    • Previous icons for Showstopper, Pandemonium, Golden, Pipes, Rockets and Bullets are contributed by Blockhead_wav.
      • Previously, Advanced Adversary has a icon in the achievements list in-game while it still uses the ROLVe placeholder icon in the badges section.
  • In the original icon for Fortress of Friends, an unused version of Doublefort is shown, where the GRN base matches the BLU base instead of the RED base.
  • The Pay the Toll badge could also be obtained by choosing the Calamity map and ending the game in your own private server.
  • Pipes, Rocket, and... What? was added for TophatAbza being the first person to reach Level 421 legitimately

