Typical Colors 2 Wiki

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Typical Colors 2 Wiki
"You're trash, and you will always be trash!"
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"You ain't no leader, brother."
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Battle Pass
[ Magnificent!
―Trooper after advancing to the next tier.Audioicon

The Battle Pass was a menu that could have been accessed with the Ticket button that was located in the Team Selection Screen. It was introduced on July 12, 2022 and concluded on October 1, 2022, however, players who advanced the pass before the conclusion were able to continue. Battle pass progression was later disabled on July 14, 2023, and later removed entirely on October 28, 2023.

There was a premium version and a free version. Each tier could be unlocked by EXP, which can be earned by playing the game. Once the player had finished a tier, they had to manually redeem the reward before they could further advance the pass; though there is a setting that allows players to automatically redeem rewards.

Both passes kept track of their progress separately.


Color Key
GRN is used for tiers containing weapons and cosmetics. GOLD is used for tiers consisting of non-weapon items, such as funds and Strangifiers. GREY is used as padding, meaning that you will have to obtain the required amount of EXP before moving on to the next tier.

Versatile Vacation Pass[]

This was the free battle pass that could be activated by pressing the Ticket button and clicking on 'Begin'.

Versatile Vacation Pass
Get rewards by playing the game! Premium pass offers more content overall.
(Requires total 21585 XP to finish.)
Battle Pass Items
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6 Tier 7 Tier 8 Tier 9 Tier 10 Tier 11 Tier 12 Tier 13 Tier 14 Tier 15 Tier 16 Tier 17 Tier 18 Tier 19 Tier 20 Tier 21 Tier 22 Tier 23 Tier 24 Tier 25 Tier 26 Tier 27 Tier 28 Tier 29 Tier 30 Tier 31 Tier 32 Tier 33 Tier 34 Tier 35 Tier 36 Tier 37 Tier 38 Tier 39 Tier 40 Tier 41 Tier 42 Tier 43 Tier 44 Tier 45 Tier 46 Tier 47 Tier 48 Tier 49 Tier 50 Tier 51 Tier 52 Tier 53 Tier 54 Tier 55 Tier 56 Tier 57 Tier 58 Tier 59 Tier 60 Tier 61 Tier 62 Tier 63 Tier 64 Tier 65 Tier 66 Tier 67 Tier 68 Tier 69 Tier 70 Tier 71 Tier 72 Tier 73 Tier 74 Tier 75
Stray Reflex
Stray Reflex
Quick Draw render
Quick Draw
Spy Camera
Spy Camera
Heated Hitman
Heated Hitman
Funds for the battlepass
40 Funds
Funds for the battlepass
60 Funds
Sunny Straw
Sunny Straw
Funds for the battlepass
80 Funds
Eyes of Bermuda
Eyes of Bermuda
Summer Sickness
Summer Sickness
Advances to the
next tier
Points Scored Strangifier
Advances to the
next tier
Humid Helper
Humid Helper
Advances to the
next tier
Cool Yellow
Cool Yellow Paint Can
Advances to the
next tier
Sea Fairer
Sea Fairer
Advances to the
next tier
Name Tag
Name Tag
Advances to the
next tier
Rider's Rag
Rider's Rag
Advances to the
next tier
Time Capsule
Time Capsule
Night Sky Ignitor
Night Sky Ignitor
Searing Soul
Searing Soul
Advances to the
next tier
Medium Salmon
Medium Salmon Paint Can
Advances to the
next tier
Sweat Swarm
Sweat Swarm
Advances to the
next tier
Backpack Upgrade
Backpack Upgrade
Advances to the
next tier
Sunset Surfer
Sunset Surfer
Advances to the
next tier
Description Tag
Description Tag
Second Banana
The Second Banana
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Kills Strangifier
Advances to the
next tier
Funds for the battlepass
40 Funds
Funds for the battlepass
40 Funds
Advances to the
next tier
Funds for the battlepass
60 Funds
Funds for the battlepass
60 Funds
Funds for the battlepass
80 Funds
Citric Reaction
Citric Reaction
Summer 2022 Cosmetic Chest
Summer 2022 Cosmetic Chest
Fittanium Revolver render
Fittanium Revolver
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Summer 2022 Cosmetic Chest
Summer 2022 Cosmetic Chest
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Summer 2022 Cosmetic Chest
Summer 2022 Cosmetic Chest
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Summer 2022 Cosmetic Chest
Summer 2022 Cosmetic Chest
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Summer 2022 Cosmetic Chest
Summer 2022 Cosmetic Chest
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Summer 2022 Cosmetic Chest
Summer 2022 Cosmetic Chest
75 EXPs 75 EXPs 75 EXPs 105 EXPs 105 EXPs 120 EXPs 120 EXPs 120 EXPs 120 EXPs 135 EXPs 135 EXPs 150 EXPs 135 EXPs 150 EXPs 150 EXPs 150 EXPs 150 EXPs 165 EXPs 165 EXPs 180 EXPs 180 EXPs 180 EXPs 180 EXPs 195 EXPs 195 EXPs 210 EXPs 210 EXPs 210 EXPs 210 EXPs 225 EXPs 225 EXPs 225 EXPs 225 EXPs 240 EXPs 240 EXPs 255 EXPs 255 EXPs 255 EXPs 255 EXPs 270 EXPs 270 EXPs 270 EXPs 270 EXPs 285 EXPs 285 EXPs 285 EXPs 300 EXPs 300 EXPs 375 EXPs 450 EXPs 450 EXPs 450 EXPs 450 EXPs 450 EXPs 450 EXPs 450 EXPs 450 EXPs 450 EXPs 450 EXPs 450 EXPs 450 EXPs 450 EXPs 450 EXPs 450 EXPs 450 EXPs 450 EXPs 450 EXPs 450 EXPs 450 EXPs 450 EXPs 450 EXPs 450 EXPs 450 EXPs 450 EXPs 450 EXPs

Premium Vacation Pass[]

This could only be activated by buying the pass for Robuxicon 400 Robux. The Premium Vacation Pass had access to higher tier rewards. Unlike the Versatile Vacation pass, the Premium Vacation Pass had no filler tiers before tier 50.

This pass contained 25% EXP/fund bonuses. The boost time was unlimited until the Battle Pass discontinued, so boosts could be stacked after obtaining one each, maxing at 58%.

Premium Vacation Pass
You're in the know, now.
(Requires total 19800 XP to finish.)
Battle Pass Items
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6 Tier 7 Tier 8 Tier 9 Tier 10 Tier 11 Tier 12 Tier 13 Tier 14 Tier 15 Tier 16 Tier 17 Tier 18 Tier 19 Tier 20 Tier 21 Tier 22 Tier 23 Tier 24 Tier 25 Tier 26 Tier 27 Tier 28 Tier 29 Tier 30 Tier 31 Tier 32 Tier 33 Tier 34 Tier 35 Tier 36 Tier 37 Tier 38 Tier 39 Tier 40 Tier 41 Tier 42 Tier 43 Tier 44 Tier 45 Tier 46 Tier 47 Tier 48 Tier 49 Tier 50 Tier 51 Tier 52 Tier 53 Tier 54 Tier 55 Tier 56 Tier 57 Tier 58 Tier 59 Tier 60 Tier 61 Tier 62 Tier 63 Tier 64 Tier 65 Tier 66 Tier 67 Tier 68 Tier 69 Tier 70 Tier 71 Tier 72 Tier 73 Tier 74 Tier 75
Double XP
25% XP Boost
Double Funds
25% Funds Boost
Funds for the battlepass
50 Funds
Radio Runner
Radio Runner
Time Capsule
Time Capsule
Funds for the battlepass
50 Funds
Tactical Terror
Tactical Terror
Name Tag
Name Tag
Aramid Operative
Aramid Operative
Description Tag
Description Tag
Points Scored Strangifier
Funds for the battlepass
75 Funds
Military Man
Military Man
Double XP
25% XP Boost
Double Funds
25% Funds Boost
Mod Max
Mod Max
Modern Nobility
Modern Nobility
Funds for the battlepass
50 Funds
Dark Violet
Dark Violet Paint Can
Funds for the battlepass
75 Funds
Combat Carry
Combat Carry
Funds for the battlepass
50 Funds
Time Capsule
Time Capsule
Field Fighter
Field Fighter
Double XP
25% XP Boost
Double Funds
25% Funds Boost
Name Tag
Name Tag
Ace Shot
Ace Shot
Description Tag
Description Tag
Earth Blue
Earth Blue Paint Can
Funds for the battlepass
50 Funds
Fearsome Force
Fearsome Force
Funds for the battlepass
75 Funds
Funds for the battlepass
75 Funds
Funds for the battlepass
100 Funds
Funds for the battlepass
100 Funds
Kills Strangifier
Tungsten Torus
Tungsten Torus
Time Capsule
Time Capsule
Double XP
25% XP Boost
Double Funds
25% Funds Boost
Name Tag
Name Tag
Backpack Upgrade
Backpack Upgrade
Description Tag
Description Tag
Summer 2022 Cosmetic Crate
Summer 2022 Cosmetic Crate
Market Gardener Fittanium
Fittanium Market Gardener
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Summer 2022 Cosmetic Crate
Summer 2022 Cosmetic Crate
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Summer 2022 Cosmetic Crate
Summer 2022 Cosmetic Crate
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Summer 2022 Cosmetic Crate
Summer 2022 Cosmetic Crate
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Summer 2022 Cosmetic Crate
Summer 2022 Cosmetic Crate
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Advances to the
next tier
Summer 2022 Cosmetic Crate
Summer 2022 Cosmetic Crate
60 EXPs 60 EXPs 105 EXPs 105 EXPs 105 EXPs 105 EXPs 120 EXPs 120 EXPs 135 EXPs 135 EXPs 135 EXPs 150 EXPs 150 EXPs 150 EXPs 165 EXPs 165 EXPs 180 EXPs 180 EXPs 180 EXPs 195 EXPs 195 EXPs 195 EXPs 195 EXPs 210 EXPs 210 EXPs 210 EXPs 225 EXPs 225 EXPs 225 EXPs 240 EXPs 240 EXPs 240 EXPs 240 EXPs 240 EXPs 255 EXPs 255 EXPs 270 EXPs 270 EXPs 270 EXPs 285 EXPs 285 EXPs 285 EXPs 300 EXPs 300 EXPs 300 EXPs 315 EXPs 315 EXPs 285 EXPs 375 EXPs 450 EXPs 375 EXPs 375 EXPs 375 EXPs 375 EXPs 375 EXPs 375 EXPs 375 EXPs 375 EXPs 375 EXPs 375 EXPs 375 EXPs 375 EXPs 375 EXPs 375 EXPs 375 EXPs 375 EXPs 375 EXPs 375 EXPs 375 EXPs 375 EXPs 375 EXPs 375 EXPs 375 EXPs 375 EXPs 375 EXPs

Update History[]

July 12, 2022 (A "Heavy" Update)

  • Added the Battle Pass.

July 13, 2022

  • Fixed the UI sometimes not showing the Versatile Vacation Pass on startup.
  • Premium Vacation Pass tier 48 reward changes: (Undocumented)

July 14, 2022

  • Added infobox stats to the UI.
  • Fixed the UI doing using unnecessary resources in the background.
  • Premium Vacation Pass tier 48 reward changes: (Undocumented)
    • Changed reward from an unknown amount of funds to the Apollo.
    • Decreased EXP required from 10000 to 250.

July 14, 2022 (#2)

  • Battle Pass EXP optimizations:
    • Temporarily changed the XP required for all tiers to 120-600 on both passes.
    • Battle Pass EXP can now only be gained in Casual.

July 14, 2022 (#3)

  • Battle Pass EXP optimizations:
    • Changed the EXP required for all tiers to 75-450 on Versatile Pass and to 60-375 on Premium Pass.
    • Battle Pass EXP can now be obtained in all gamemodes except for Vs. Bosses and Medieval.

October 1, 2022

  • Both Battle Passes can no longer be started. (Undocumented)

July 14, 2023 (The Update with Patches And Content)

  • Disabled progression for both Battle Passes. (Undocumented)

October 28, 2023 (Typical Horrors III)

  • Removed the Battle Pass. (Undocumented)


  • Tier 48 in the Premium Vacation Pass underwent two changes due to placeholders:
  • The cosmetic rewards in the Premium Pass are in class order while it is reverse in the Versatile Pass.