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Typical Colors 2 Wiki

Bundles are typically sets of three weapons (primary, secondary and melee). They are designed around a specific playstyle, being cheaper than what the cost of buying all three items individually would be, only costing half the amount of funds of buying each item in the bundle individually.

They can be found in the initial 'Weapons' page of the Fitten Co. Store.

There are currently 30 bundles in the game.



Flanker's bundles
Flankertransparent Bloodbath Bringer
Prove to everyone nobody can get away alive after meeting the ranged bleed damage boy.
Funds Icon 15 Funds
Primary Secondary Melee
Flankertransparent High-Damage Hitboy
This set encourages you to get in people's faces, and blast them off! Your melee's projectile allows you to deal even more damage with your primary!
Funds Icon 15 Funds
Primary Secondary Melee
Flankertransparent Sugar Crushing
This one is all about overconfidence. Also, scoring kills with your primary fills your secondary's charge!
Funds Icon 15 Funds
Primary Secondary Melee
Flankertransparent Supportin' The Suffering
Tired of doing all the heavy work, just to die? Ever considered supporting your team? This does all the hard work for you.
Funds Icon 15 Funds
Primary Secondary Melee


Trooper's bundles
Troopertransparent Explosive Electronics
These weapons reward precision, punish overconfident enemies, and let you capture objectives faster.
Funds Icon 15 Funds
Primary Secondary Melee
Troopertransparent Global Domination
Embracing Trooper's area denial, you can prevent any team from capturing an objective.
Funds Icon 15 Funds
Primary Secondary Melee
Troopertransparent Mobile Menace
Launch your enemies and finish them off with devastating airborne ability. Blast them so hard that they will fly to heaven!
Funds Icon 15 Funds
Primary Secondary Melee
Troopertransparent Storm of Rockets
Blast yourself into the air, and rain down rockets! Become your own personal attack helicopter
Funds Icon 15 Funds
Primary Secondary Melee


Arsonist's bundles
Arsonistransparent Burst Bot
Your primary and secondary are great at dealing damage quickly. Anyone at Death's Door? Finish them off with your melee to recover a chunk of health.
Funds Icon 15 Funds
Primary Secondary Melee
Arsonistransparent Called Shots
Feeling confident? This set comes with weapons that really require you to be precise. Difficult to use, but rewarding.
Funds Icon 15 Funds
Primary Secondary Melee
Arsonistransparent Slash 'n' Burn
This set thrives off of high burst damage to disintegrate any mercenary that crosses your path.
Funds Icon 15 Funds
Primary Secondary Melee


Annihilator's bundles
Annihilatortransparent Creative Corsair
The main course of this meal is the shield. Use your primary to knock players into it's sweetspot to eliminate them with your melee!
Funds Icon 15 Funds
Primary Secondary Melee
Annihilatortransparent KABOOM!
A mixed kit full of EXPLOSIVE surprises. Blow everything to smithereens!
Funds Icon 15 Funds
Primary Secondary Melee
Annihilatortransparent Prestigious Paladin
Highly mobile and incredibly simple to use. Catch players off guard for some easy picks.
Funds Icon 15 Funds
Primary Secondary Melee


Brute's bundles
Brutetransparent Get In, Get Out
You've got unfinished business, so take care of it quickly AND silently! (Completely silent.)
Funds Icon 15 Funds
Primary Secondary Melee
Brutetransparent Nothing Personal
This set excels at eliminating players around corners, granting you a quick deploying LMG, and, a consumable that lets you rip through players with your melee.
Funds Icon 15 Funds
Primary Secondary Melee
Brutetransparent Vampiric Glutton
This set is all about stealing health from enemies. Eat your secondary before heading into battle for maximum effectiveness.
Funds Icon 15 Funds
Primary Secondary Melee


Mechanic's bundles
Mechanictransparent Family Man
Take care of your sentries like a pro. Focus on keeping your sentries alive and deploying them faster.
Funds Icon 15 Funds
Primary Secondary Melee
Mechanictransparent Lament of a Mechanic
Tired of Agents absolutely wrecking your setup? Find and punish them easier with this set, and wipe their sappers in 1 hit!
Funds Icon 15 Funds
Primary Secondary Melee
Mechanictransparent Technician of Tomorrow
It's the future! These items have gimmicks sure to surprise those living in the past.
Funds Icon 15 Funds
Primary Secondary Melee
Mechanictransparent Warden of Turrets
With this set, aggressiveness is turned up to max. Place your mini-sentries in open spots, and use your primary to deal high damage!
Funds Icon 15 Funds
Primary Secondary Melee


Doctor's bundles
Doctortransparent Alleviating Angel
Healing players that are blast jumping will let you soar around with them, whilst taking control of your trajectory with your wings!
Funds Icon 15 Funds
Primary Secondary Melee
Doctortransparent Just What The Doctor Ordered
It's an experimental treatment.. douse your enemies in milk and use your secondary to increase your health gain to the max. Your melee allows you to extend your otherwise short Supercharge durations, too!
Funds Icon 15 Funds
Primary Secondary Melee
Doctortransparent Power Hungry
Take a chance by flanking enemies and siphoning Supercharge off of them. Don't get TOO confident, though.
Funds Icon 15 Funds
Primary Secondary Melee


Marksman's bundles
Marksmantransparent Bow-wielding Beast
Your bow is great at taking out anything in medium range. Anything too close for comfort? Use your secondary's charge to give yourself powerful melee swings!
Funds Icon 10 Funds
Primary Secondary
Marksmantransparent Embittered Emissary
Add some vitamins to your opponents' diets! Players covered in lemonade receive 30% more damage!
Funds Icon 15 Funds
Primary Secondary Melee
Marksmantransparent Gone Huntin'
This set encourages you to go out of your comfort zone. Your primary deals high burst damage, but requires precision!
Funds Icon 15 Funds
Primary Secondary Melee
Marksmantransparent Setting Up Camp
Your melee allows you to get creative and look for alternative spots to take your shots in. Once in position, try for a big kill streak!
Funds Icon 15 Funds
Primary Secondary Melee


Agent's bundles
Agenttransparent A Taste of Immortality
Rewards proper backstabs with increased health. Use your watch to get yourself out of sticky situations by feigning your death.
Funds Icon 15 Funds
Primary Secondary Melee
Agenttransparent Agile Assassin
Take care of your enemies quickly and efficiently to make sure they dont take up much of your precious time.
Funds Icon 20 Funds
Primary Secondary Melee PDA

Update History

July 12, 2022 (A "Heavy" Update)

  • Added Bundles. (Undocumented)

July 14, 2022

  • Fixed an issue where everything is considered free if you added both Agent bundles to the shopping cart. (Undocumented)

February 1, 2025 (The New WINTER)

  • Bundles are now alphabetically sorted. (Undocumented)
  • Adjusted Burst Bot's description. (Undocumented)


  • cerosuki suggested most of the bundles.
  • When bundles were released, there was a glitch where having both Agent bundles in your cart would make everything in your cart free, so long as your cart balance didn't exceed the amount of funds you had.
  • The Burst Bot's bundle description previously had "I'm here to kick friendlies and spew gas. And I'm all out of gas." in it. This was a reference to a line spoken by Duke Nukem in Duke Nukem 3D.