Typical Colors 2 Wiki

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Typical Colors 2 Wiki
The Class Selection Screen's distinct selection wheel, edited to remove team colors and display class roles.
[ Boom goes the baby!

The characters players get to control in-game are known as classes. At the start of any match, players are prompted to choose their class via the Class Selection Screen. Note that pressing the , key during a match will re-open the Class Selection Screen. All of the nine playable classes in Typical Colors 2 are based on their Team Fortress 2 counterparts. From the Flanker's unparalleled agility to the Brute's raw strength, every class has something to offer to their team. The classes are grouped into three separated combat types, which you can find below this disclaimer table.

For more information on each class, visit their respective pages.


Although each class is grouped under distinct role types for ease of reading and access, they are not bound by these labels. Most classes have other roles that are largely playstyle dependent, and as such there are other community-made roles for each class.



Flanker, Marksman and Annihilator are best at picking off 1 class at a time but can't hold too much ground against more then 3 classes fighting them at once.

Render of Flanker in the class selection screen.
Role Synopsis
Flanker GRN Apposition 2023 The Flanker specializes in patrolling objectives and going toe-to-toe against single targets with his double capture rate and his powerful Lever Shotgun, respectively.

He has the highest base speed in the game and has the ability to double jump, making both aforementioned tasks even easier.

However, he shares the lowest health pool in the game with three other classes, meaning sustained fights against large groups of enemies are not advised.

Flanker RED Apposition 2023
Render of Marksman in the class selection screen.
Role Synopsis
Marksman GRN Apposition 2023 The Marksman serves best in the backlines, where he is able to scope out the objective and pick opponents from afar.

His primary weapon, the Sniper Rifle, is devastating when landing a headshot and can even kill an overhealed Brute when fully charged.

His MAC-10 and Machete are excellent at close-ranged self-defense and should not be underestimated in combat.

Much like other one-on-one pick classes such as Flanker and Agent, good positioning is vital to your performance.

Marksman RED Apposition 2023
Render of Annihilator in the class selection screen.
Role Synopsis
Annihilator GRN Apposition 2023 The Annihilator is a threat to large groups of opponents, more so than the Trooper in some instances, as his mere presence can be enough to disrupt coordinated team pushes.

His Grenade Launcher packs a hefty punch, and can very easily cripple the enemy's defenses if several direct pipes land in a row, it is very effective to "Sentry Gun nests".

His Stickybomb Launcher has a high ammo capacity and the ability to lock down an entire objective or any contested chokepoint with high-powered, manually detonated explosives, also very effective if many are on checkpoints in Payload maps or on KOTH point.

Annihilator RED Apposition 2023


Trooper, Brute and Arsonist specialize in their power, allowing them to destroy masses of enemies with ease.

Render of Trooper in the class selection screen.
Role Synopsis
Trooper GRN Apposition 2023 The Trooper is a jack-of-all-trades class, performing optimally in most roles. This makes him arguably one of the best combat classes for new and veteran players alike.

His Rocket Launcher allows him to blow the enemy to bits, and the vast array of secondary and melee weapons at his disposal allow him to easily adapt to whatever gets in his team's way.

Though he is the second slowest class by default, the extra mobility granted by rocket jumping means that a Trooper can be a constant threat to the enemy team, rocket jumping is quite difficult to do, as if you keep trying and keep failing, your rocket will damage you due to the splash damage.

Trooper RED Apposition 2023
Render of Brute in the class selection screen.
Role Synopsis
Brute GRN Apposition 2023 The Brute is a great pick for holding the line, as he can often become the anchor for his team in heated battles. His Minigun shreds through opponents who are foolish enough to get within his range.

The Doctor is also popular for usually healing the Brute, which makes him almost invincible, especially on the Doctor's SuperCharge.

Having the highest health pool in the game by default, he is designed for sustained fights and encounters.

However, his very slow base speed means that positioning and health management are key to playing the class well.

Brute RED Apposition 2023
Render of Arsonist in the class selection screen.
Role Synopsis
Arsonist GRN Apposition 2023 The Arsonist, much like the Trooper, is adept in plenty of situations. They have the highest health/speed ratio in the game, making their advances all the more threatening.

Their Flamethrower can set multiple people on fire at once, and has the ability to airblast. This allows the Arsonist to fulfil a niche supportive role in combat, allowing them to extinguish teammates who are on fire, reflect projectiles back at enemies and push opponents away from key areas.

Combining damage from your flamethrower with your secondary and melee options are also vital to an Arsonist player's success, as the relatively low DPS of the flamethrower makes it difficult to secure kills on its own.

Arsonist RED Apposition 2023


Mechanic, Doctor and Agent struggle in fights on their own, but their specialized abilities can often tip the balance in their team's favor. They offer the pick and power classes an extra edge in battle and can help turn the tide of matches in dire situations.

Render of Mechanic in the class selection screen.
Role Synopsis
Mechanic GRN Apposition 2023 The Mechanic is the quintessential defensive class. Though he is equipped with a Shotgun and a Pistol, which are secondary weapons for other classes, each of his buildings have a unique and important role to fill.

Sentries are outstanding area denial tools, and can help your team fall back to safety or push forward onto an objective, but can easily be destroyed by splash damage from weapons like the Grenade Launcher, the Rocket Launcher, etc.

Dispensers provide health and munitions for teammates who are within its range, which can be the edge your team needs to hold the line, Dispensers can also be easily destroyed by splash damage.

Teleporters are best used in conjunction with your team's power classes to bring them to the frontlines quickly, saving precious time that would have otherwise been spent walking or blast jumping, depending on where it is, Teleporters can also be destroyed by splash damage.

Mechanic RED Apposition 2023
Render of Doctor in the class selection screen.
Role Synopsis
Doctor GRN Apposition 2023 The Doctor is welcome on any team, no matter the game state; having the ability to quickly heal injured teammates in or out of combat, the Doctor is arguably the most influential class in the game.

He also comes with the ability to SuperCharge his teammates and provide massive temporary benefits such as 8 seconds of invincibility with his default Medigun.

It should be noted that his weapons are substantially weaker than other classes and are more suited for utility than dealing direct damage, the Doctor is also one of the easiest classes to kill if not healing / behind another player or if not running away / hiding.

Doctor RED Apposition 2023
Render of Agent in the class selection screen.
Role Synopsis
Agent GRN Apposition 2023 The Agent is arguably the weakest class in the game on her own, as she does not have much sustainability, though what she brings to the table is welcomed on any coordinated team.

Her main abilities revolve around cloaking and disguising behind enemy lines to pick off key targets such as Marksmen and Doctors with her Knife and Revolver.

She also wields a Sapper, which is a soft counter to an enemy Mechanic's buildings and is best used in conjunction with team pushes.

Agent RED Apposition 2023


Random IconRANDOM
Role Synopsis
Grayguy GRN Apposition 2023 Clicking on the random button will randomly select one of the nine classes available, perfect for challenges or other special occasions.

This option was officially added on June 11, 2021, as a part of the Summer 2021 update.

Grayguy RED Apposition 2023



All classes have varying heights, with the Mechanic being the shortest and Brute being the tallest of all classes for the purposes of tracing hit scan weapons.

However, all classes are considered to be the same size and height when panning over to third-person. This is due to the purpose of player collisions, melee attacks, and projectiles. This also means that classes don't have any advantages/disadvantages when navigating around corners or through tight spaces.


  • Before the Kringle's Annual New Year Expansion update, The classes were originally divided into "Offensive", "Defensive" and "Support". Offensive included; Flanker, Trooper and Annihilator. Defensive included; Arsonist, Brute and Mechanic. Support included; Doctor, Marksman and Agent.
    • Originally; Arsonist was classified as an Offensive class before being swapped with Annihilator during The Update with Patches And Content.
    • Using the setting "Archived Class Wheel", you can revert the class sorts back to Offensive, Defensive, and Support.
  • There was 2 more classes during the Pre-Rehaul phase, Civilian/VIP and Mercenary.