Typical Colors 2 Wiki

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Typical Colors 2 Wiki
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This is a page that lists down all the Developers and Contributors of Typical Colors 2 and includes ex-developers & contributors as well.

The list will refer to the developers and contributors by their usernames on Roblox.



Name & Avatar


Lead Programmer and Quality-Assurance Provider. Provided the visual face for the Dispenser.
Programmer, Map Creator, Model Contributor, and backpack icon provider.
Modeler and Developer. Created the Seeper and Seehilator models, and various cosmetics.
Modeler, Map Maker and Developer. Created/contributed towards multiple maps, cosmetics and weapons.
Character Designer and Modeler. The current holder of the Dorcus Digital group.
Developer and Music Producer. Created the soundtrack and many of the current sound effects.
Lead Animator and Developer. Creates most of the taunts and character animations.
Lead Animator and Developer. Creates most of the viewmodel animations.
Lead Animator and Developer. Creates most of the character animations.
Lead Mapper and Developer.
Lead Mapper and Developer. Former voice actor of the Trooper.
Lead Renderer and Developer.
Lead VFX Artist and Developer.
Weapon illustrator/Concept artist.
Former lead map designer and GFX artist. Currently ranked as a QA Tester in the Dorcus Digital group.
Former senior weapon animator and GFX artist. The current voice actor of the Flanker since 2016.
Former senior programmer. The current voice actor of the Mechanic since 2016.


Former Developers Contributors[]

Name & Avatar


Worked on a couple of maps and did community management from 2014-2016.
Not much is known about this developer/contributor, was most likely a Group Moderator of some sort, and left after getting into an argument with the rest of the ROLVe team over a scrapped rebranding for CB:RO.
Former lead developer who did most of the bug fixing and update-releasing. Aunarky left the ROLVe team on confidential terms, albeit by his own choice after TC2 became independent from ROLVe.
Scripter and programmer; former lead programmer from 2015 to 2021. He left after TC2 became independent from ROLVe.
Former senior map designer and character producer. He also created the original concept for Typical Colors. He left after TC2 became independent from ROLVe.
Former character designer and sound effect provider. He left after TC2 became independent from ROLVe.

Asset providers[]

These people who are unrelated to Dorcus Digital had assets created by them used for TC2.

Asset providers




Had her Female Spy voice lines borrowed for Agent, her lines were used until October 26th, 2020, when BethyVA had her voice lines added.


Currently has their lines being used for the Administrator.



  1. Mightybaseplates dads friend