Typical Colors 2 Wiki

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Typical Colors 2 Wiki

[ A very cocky personality, doesn't get along with others.
―Class information.

Born in Brooklyn New York, USA, the Flanker is one of the nine classes in Typical Colors 2. He is a pick class that specializes in capturing objectives and flanking opponents.

As the fastest class in the game, and having the ability to double jump, he has the ability to out-maneuver slower opponents struggling to keep up, allowing him to easily defeat unsuspecting foes.

He performs exceptionally as a hit-and-run character, capable of picking off opponents one-on-one or diminishing an assortment of opponents down, bit by bit. While lethal in confined and open areas alike, the Flanker still underperforms when fighting at extended ranges, particularly against classes such as the Marksman.

However, the Flanker is one of the classes with the lowest health in the game, leaving him vulnerable to hard-hitting enemies.

He is based on Team Fortress 2's Scout.


See also: Healing
Class Health Overheal Rejuvenator Overheal
Normal health 125 185 155


Condition Regular Backward Crouched Swimming
Normal speed 133% 120% 44% 107%
Baby Face's Blaster at 0% boost 107% 97% 36% 86%
Baby Face's Blaster at 50% boost 143% 119% 44% 105%
Baby Face's Blaster at 100% boost 173% 156% 58% 139%
Under the effects of Bloxy Cola/Witches Brew 166% 150% 55% 133%
Baby Face's Blaster at 0% boost, under the effects of Bloxy Cola/Witches Brew 133% 120% 44% 107%
Baby Face's Blaster at 50% boost, under the effects of Bloxy Cola/Witches Brew 178% 148% 55% 131%
Baby Face's Blaster at 100% boost, under the effects of Bloxy Cola/Witches Brew 216% 195% 72% 173%


  • The Flanker specializes in one-on-one combat; fighting groups of opponents, while perhaps viable, may not be the optimal choice.
    • Instead, when faced with a group, focus on dodging their attacks and pressuring them to leave the objective to pursue you, buying your teammates time to make a play.
  • Use his fast movement speed to your advantage, and zigzag/move irregularly while in the middle of combat.
    • Getting as close as possible while looping your way around a Brute, Trooper or Annihilator makes for a decent strategy to distract or attack.
  • If any opponents get too close, you can use the Lupara DB to knock them away or use the Sandman to make it easier to land shots or run away.
  • While Flanker has a high capture rate for both control points and payloads, his low health pool should be taken into consideration.
    • Instead, patrol around the objective and pick off targets attempting to defend or attack it, only moving to capture the objective when there are no enemies around.
    • Alternatively, strafing around and on the point while picking off approaching targets can work. Remember to fall back when groups of enemies move to fight you.
    • Stick to cover (if present) while on a point, or attempt to "back-cap," moving to a future objective in anticipation for a capture from your allies, finishing or progressing your team's advance while the enemy team is none the wiser.
  • Use the Flanker's high speed and advantages in one-on-one combat to pick off enemies that give you and your team trouble, such as enemy Agents, Marksmen, Doctors and other Flankers.
  • With the Lupara DB and the Atomizer, you can perform quadruple jumps with enough time in the air.
  • Unless it is Level 3, it's best you do not use Teleporters and instead, reserve them for slower classes. You are the fastest class in the game, so use this ability to your advantage to save your team's time.
  • Picking off Doctors before any other class can have major effects on the battlefield. As you are the fastest class, you have an inherent advantage against these characters.
    • Distracting the enemy towards your general direction to assist an allied Agent can serve doubly well.
    • Forcing them to SuperCharge at a wasteful time by critically wounding them is a great way to buy your team time to recover, or assisting in their push. While they are distracted by a patient they plan to charge, sneak up behind the Doctor while they and the patient are heading towards the objective, and pop a meat-shot whenever you see fit.
    • Alternatively, using the Lupara DB allows you to knock-back upon a successful meat-shot, separating the Doctor from their patient (or vice-versa) or pushing either into a map hazard is equally as potent.
  • Flanker's fast speeds allow for one of the most important abilities in any multiplayer game: the ability to pick your fights.
    • Flanker is able to kill many classes in one-on-one fights.
    • If you're in a fight against another person by themselves, it's often safe to go and fight them.
    • However, if you're outnumbered by yourself or with a weak class it's important to know your limits and run out of there.
    • Running away from fights you can't handle is an important skill, that could lead to better opportunities in the future.
  • Your double jump opens up many alternative routes which can be used to flank the enemy and take advantage of your high close-range DPS. They can also be used to make a clean getaway.
    • The Hype Meter provided by the Soda Popper rewards the user for dealing large amounts of damage with the ability to reload 50% faster and use six mid-air jumps until the meter finishes counting down.
  • If you fall from a high place, you can use your double jump right before you fall to negate fall damage.
  • Make sure to use your Pistol in case if your primary runs out of ammo when you are having a fight with an enemy.
  • If you suspect an enemy is low on health, use your secondary so you don't have to waste primary ammo.






Notes / Special Abilities

Lever Shotgun render
Lever Shotgun
6 32
Mule Mauler 600
Item Drop
Mule Mauler 600
Lupara DB render
Lupara DB
2 32
BossMinus pictogram This item is disallowed in Vs. Bosses.

Plus pictogram

50% faster firing speed.

Plus pictogram

Knockback on the target and shooter.

Minus pictogram

-66% clip size.

Minus pictogram

20% less accurate.
This weapon reloads its entire clip at once.
Battle Pass
Soda Popper
Soda Popper
2 32

Plus pictogram

50% faster firing speed.

Plus pictogram

On Hit: Builds Hype.

Minus pictogram

-66% clip size.

Minus pictogram

No double jump.
When Hype is full, Alt-Fire to activate Hype mode for +50% faster reload speed, and full air control.
This weapon reloads its entire clip at once.
Baby Face's Blaster
Baby Face's Blaster
6 32
BossMinus pictogram This item is disallowed in Vs. Bosses.

Plus pictogram

On Hit: Builds Boost.

Plus pictogram

Run speed increased with Boost.

Plus pictogram

40% more accurate.

Minus pictogram

20% slower move speed on wearer.

Minus pictogram

-30% damage penalty.

Minus pictogram

Boost reduced when hit.
4 32
BossMinus pictogram This item is disallowed in Vs. Bosses.

Plus pictogram

+40% faster firing speed.

Plus pictogram

40% more accurate.

Plus pictogram

On Kill: 50% refill for all meters.

Minus pictogram

-33% clip size.

Minus pictogram

-33% less rampup.

Minus pictogram

-20% damage penalty.
This weapon reloads its entire clip at once.
6 32

Plus pictogram

100% mini-crits from behind.

Minus pictogram

-10% less pellets.

Minus pictogram

20% slower reload speed.
Shotgun Cannon
Shotgun Cannon
0-4 32

Plus pictogram

Hold fire to load up to 4 shots.

Plus pictogram

Release fire to unleash shots.

Plus pictogram

+25% faster firing speed.

Minus pictogram

-30% clip size.

Minus pictogram

-20% damage penalty.
7 28

Plus pictogram

+15% faster firing speed.

Plus pictogram

+15% clip size.

Plus pictogram

+1 capture rate on wearer.

Minus pictogram

-15% damage penalty.

Minus pictogram

-15% max reserve ammo.

Minus pictogram

25% more knockback vulnerability.





Notes / Special Abilities

Pistol render
12 36
BossPlus pictogram This item always mini-crits
Battle Pass
Concealed Carry
Concealed Carry
12 36
BossPlus pictogram This item always mini-crits.

Plus pictogram

+20% faster firing speed.

Plus pictogram

Overheal does not decay.

Plus pictogram

On Kill: +63 health.

Plus pictogram

Health gained on kill can overheal.

Minus pictogram

-30% damage penalty.

Minus pictogram

No overheal from Doctors.
Conventional render
15 60

Plus pictogram

+25% clip size.

Plus pictogram

+20% faster firing speed.

Minus pictogram

-25% less accurate.

Minus pictogram

-20% damage penalty.
6 36
BossPlus pictogram This item always mini-crits.

Plus pictogram

+15% damage bonus.

Plus pictogram

+35% greater jump height when secondary or melee is active.

Minus pictogram

-50% clip size.
BossPlus pictogram This item always crits.

Plus pictogram

On Hit: Bleed for 2 seconds

Plus pictogram

Mini-crits bleeding targets

Minus pictogram

Cannot be picked up after being thrown
Bloxy Cola
Bloxy Cola
BossMinus pictogram This item is disallowed in Vs. Bosses.

Plus pictogram

Drink to become invulnerable and gain a 25% speed boost for 8 seconds.

Minus pictogram

Cannot attack during this time.

Minus pictogram

Damage absorbed will slow you when the effect ends.

Minus pictogram

25% more knockback vulnerability under the effects.
Item Drop
Goala Cola
Item Drop
Goala Cola
Witches Brew
Witches Brew
BossPlus pictogram Consumption grants critical hits instead of mini-crits.
While under the effects, +25% movement speed and damage done and damage taken will be mini-crits.
Mad Milk
Mad Milk
Players heal 35% of the damage done to an enemy covered with milk.
Can be used to extinguish fires.

Plus pictogram

Extinguishing teammates reduces cooldown by -50%.

Minus pictogram

This weapon deploys 15% slower.

Minus pictogram

Can debuff yourself when it does not extinguish.
Debuff duration is based on splash distance.
Hot Coco Blast
Item Drop
Hot Coco Blast
Super Sneakers
Super Sneakers

Plus pictogram

+250% air control on wearer

Plus pictogram

+50% greater jump height on wearer

Plus pictogram

Wearer deals 3x stomp damage





Notes / Special Abilities

BossPlus pictogram This item always crits.

Plus pictogram

Crit targets under 25% health.
Frying Pan render
Frying Pan
Holy Mackerel
Holy Mackerel
Rubber Chicken
Item Drop
Rubber Chicken
Mod Max
Battle Pass
Mod Max
BossPlus pictogram This item always crits.

Plus pictogram

Grants Triple Jump while fully deployed.

Plus pictogram

This weapon deploys 25% faster.

Minus pictogram

15% slower firing speed.

Minus pictogram

-10% damage penalty.
Bloxy Award
Bloxy Award
Killed enemies freeze into solid gold statues (purely cosmetic feature).
BossPlus pictogram This item always crits.

Plus pictogram

Crit targets under 25% health.

Plus pictogram

Imbued with an ancient power.
Golden Frying Pan render
Golden Frying Pan
Brooklyn Basher
Brooklyn Basher
BossPlus pictogram This item always crits.

Plus pictogram

On Hit: Bleed for 5 seconds.

Plus pictogram

+20% damage bonus.

Minus pictogram

On Miss: Hit yourself. Idiot.

Minus pictogram

20% slower firing speed.
Three-Rune Blade
Three-Rune Blade
Candy Cane
Candy Cane
BossPlus pictogram This item always crits.

Plus pictogram

On Kill: A small health pack is dropped.

Plus pictogram

Mini-crits targets under 25% health.

Minus pictogram

On Death: A small health pack is dropped.

Minus pictogram

-40% max primary and secondary ammo on wearer.

Minus pictogram

On Kill: Ammo is not dropped.
Cold Shoulder
Cold Shoulder
Bat: N/A N/A
BossPlus pictogram This item always crits.

Plus pictogram

Alt-Fire: Launches a snowball that splatters opponents screen.

Plus pictogram

Snowball extinguishes teammates. (Unlisted)

Minus pictogram

Projectile deals -100% damage.

Minus pictogram

-25% recharge rate.

Minus pictogram

This weapon deploys 20% slower.
Snow-Blind only applies at greater than 6 studs and lasts 3 seconds.
Ball: 1
Grill Scout
Grill Scout
BossPlus pictogram This item always crits.

Plus pictogram

100% mini-crit vs burning players.

Plus pictogram

On Hit: target is ignited for 5 seconds.

Plus pictogram

On Hit Teammate: Remove debuffs on teammate.

Plus pictogram

Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health.

Minus pictogram

60% slower firing speed.
Bat: N/A N/A
BossPlus pictogram This item always crits.

Plus pictogram

Alt-fire: Launches a ball that flinches opponents.

Minus pictogram

-20% damage penalty.
Ball: 1
Rally Racket
Item Drop
Rally Racket
Bat: N/A N/A
Ball: 1
Wooden Sword
Wooden Sword
BossPlus pictogram Reduces the boss' rage by 5%
BossPlus pictogram This item always crits.

Plus pictogram

Crits whenever it would normally mini-crit.

Plus pictogram

On Hit: One target at a time is marked for death, causing all damage taken to be mini-crits.

Plus pictogram

This weapon deploys and holsters 35% faster.

Minus pictogram

-75% damage penalty.
Mark for death lasts 15 seconds.
Wrap Assassin
Wrap Assassin
Bat: N/A N/A
BossPlus pictogram This item always crits.

Plus pictogram

Alt-Fire: Launches a festive ornament that shatters causing bleed.

Plus pictogram

+25% increase in recharge rate.

Minus pictogram

-65% damage penalty.
Ball: 1
Spare Hand
Item Drop
Spare Hand
Bat: N/A N/A
Ball: 1

Cosmetic Items

Update History

May 25, 2016

  • Added Flanker voicelines, provided by Bluay to replace the previous actor, Faave.

June 26, 2016

  • Added HUB image.

September 12, 2016

  • Added an exclusive-taunt for Sandman.

August 17, 2017

  • Added momentum for Flanker's double jumps.

August 18, 2017

  • Given a design overhaul by MidnightKrystal.

September 2, 2017

  • Double jumping uses ChangeState instead of a Change of Velocity.

September 6, 2017

  • Added new gibs.

July 30, 2018

  • Given a design overhaul by MidnightKrystal.

July 31, 2018

  • Double jumping resets air control and blast jumping gives full air control.

August 28, 2018

August 28, 2018 (#2)

  • Added an inability to deal any knockback other than Lupara DB in Vs. Bosses.

August 28, 2018 (#3)

  • Added +15% attacking faster bonus in Vs. Bosses.

September 8, 2018

  • Double jumping or any kind of air jumping instantly changes direction.

October 19, 2018 (Halloween 2018)

  • New Flanker voicelines. (Undocumented)

October 20, 2018

  • Adjusted volume for the new voicelines.

August 13, 2019

August 18, 2019

  • In Vs. Bosses, any mini-crit damage done by Flanker is turned into critical hits.

August 22, 2019

  • Fixed not being able to deal critical hits whenever they are normally mini-crit in Vs. Bosses.

August 23, 2019

  • Flanker's weapons that normally mini-crit in Vs. Bosses still deal mini-crits.

September 1, 2019

  • Removed the 10% speed boost in Vs. Bosses when remaining as one of the two survivors alive in the round.

October 4, 2019

  • Capped swimming speed at Flanker's speed.

February 23, 2021

  • Added new Flanker voicelines. (Undocumented)

February 24, 2021

  • Adjusted voice volume to be as loud as each other.
  • Flanker's Battle Cry voicelines will play when the round starts.

February 24, 2021 (#2)

  • Reduced Flanker's pain sound volume.

March 25, 2021 (Fit with Fitten)

  • Given a design overhaul by MidnightKrystal.
  • Added primary and secondary taunts.

June 11, 2021 (Summer 2021)

  • Received a new voice. (Undocumented)

August 8, 2021

  • Fixed mini-crits on Flanker from breaking.

January 28, 2022 (Various Visuals)

  • Added missing 'Help!' voicelines.
  • Overhauled secondary taunt animation.
  • Added one more voiceline from the 'No' category. (Undocumented)

July 14, 2023 (The Update with Patches And Content)

  • Added taunt, boss-killing and revenge voicelines. (Undocumented)
  • Updated apposition. (Undocumented)

April 20, 2024 (Spring 2024 Content Patch)

  • Fixed a bug where the newly added revenge voicelines wouldn't play. (Undocumented)

July 14, 2024 (Summer FM)

  • Update Flanker's dead face.
  • Flanker now has a "losing face" when the opposing team wins.

October 19, 2024 (Typical Horrors IV)

  • Updated Flanker's hair model.

February 1, 2025 (The New WINTER)

  • Updated Flanker's face by Ronn_haha. (Undocumented)


Voice Actors


  • Past Designs
  • Thumbnails
  • GUIs
  • Concepts
  • Miscellaneous

Other Pages

Flanker Voicelines Flanker Matchups

