Typical Colors 2 Wiki

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Typical Colors 2 Wiki
"I need some assistance!"
This page does not meet our standards and requires a thorough clean-up.
Please help us finish it by editing the page.
In particular, this page requires: An updated picture of a class during humiliation
[ What the... Come on!
―Flanker after losing a close match of Payload.Audioicon

A GRN Agent during humiliation.

Humiliation is a mechanic that occurs when the opposing team wins. The losing team gets a 10% decrease in movement speed, and cannot do anything except run or accept their fate. They will also have their class's face replaced with special 'sad' face. If a player is killed during humiliation, they must wait until the next round to respawn.

The winning team gets a critical-hit boost for the duration of the end of the round, as well as also getting a 10% movement speed boost. Projectile weapons (such as the Rocket Launcher) get a 50% speed increase for their projectiles. Both teams can also enter each other's spawn, including both winners and losers.

Related Achievements[]


Geneva Suggestion
Geneva Suggestion
Kill 3 players in humiliation in a single round.


Padding the Stats
Padding the Stats
As a Flanker, kill at least 5 players who are in humiliation in a single round.


  • Developers and Contributors are not effected by Humiliation.
  • During Pre-Rehaul, the camera zoomed in on the losing player during humiliation.
  • Due to unknown bugs, humiliation faces do not occur at all since current updates.



