Typical Colors 2 Wiki

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Typical Colors 2 Wiki
Unusual icon
Blind Warrior
Community Blind Warrior
Level 5 Blindfold
Sparkle emoji Unusual Effect : Community Sparkle

Charge blindly into the battlefield!
You might even win.
The owner of this item is a valuable community contributor

( Not Sellable or Marketable )
[ Good work, boys!
―Mechanic, after a hard fought battle.Audioicon

Community items are specifically granted to valuable community contributors who have made significant or valuable contributions to the game, whether it is creating a weapon, cosmetic, map, winning in a contest hosted by Dorcus Digital, or hosting competitive servers for the game.

Community quality items also come with the Community Sparkle unusual effect and a description stating "The owner of this item is a valuable community contributor".

Community-quality items are not sellable, marketable, or giftable.

They are distinguished with a light green name tag in the player's inventory as the hexadecimal color code for Community items is #70B04A.

Update History[]

September 10, 2016

  • Added Community quality. (Undocumented)

September 26, 2018

  • Now have their particle effect properly applied on view models.

November 1, 2021 (Typical Horrors)

  • Updated the Community Sparkle effect. (Undocumented)