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Typical Colors 2 Wiki
Doctor Unobtainable
The content on this page is currently published to the main game, but cannot be obtained through normal means.

[ Congrats on your new PhD for repeatedly dying.
―Doctor making a joke to his test subject.Audioicon

The Malpractitioner is a secondary weapon for the Doctor. It is a reskin of the stock Medigun with a more improvised design; a shattered boiling flask is used as a muzzle, a retort flask connected to the muzzle by a collection of tubes stores some kind of healing fluid, and a detached gasoline pump is used as a grip. A round sticker denoting a biohazard can be seen attached to an object below the gasoline pump, suggesting that use of the Malpractitioner may cause serious health hazards.

The Malpractitioner has a 1 in 60 chance of dropping to a player's inventory in any given round, but if the user scored more than 10 points they will instead have a 1 in 30 chance to get a drop.

Healing and Function Times[]

Healing and function times
Healing (in combat) 100% 24 / second
Healing (out of combat) 300% 72 / second
Function times
Effect duration 8s
Effect duration (Dentist's Delight) 1 tooth 9s
5 teeth 13s
Charge fill speed 40s
Charge fill speed Target is > 142.5% health 80s
Values are approximate and determined by community testing.


This content is transcluded from Medigun § Tips
  • When healing a target, the Medigun's beam will stay locked on to the patient regardless of the direction the Doctor is facing. You can use this to your advantage by checking behind yourself for enemies, alerting your patient for help should an opponent approach you.
    • This connection can also pass through thin walls. allowing you to heal patients regardless of being able to see them. You can use this to avoid being in the sightlines of Marksmen.
  • Healing a teammate with the Medigun will allow you to see how much damage they deal to enemies. In fact, if they get a kill, you will get some of the credit as it will be listed as an assist on your score.
    • This also applies to Doctor's other secondary weapons.
    • Assists contribute to your killstreak, so help multiple teammates out to build it.
  • The Medigun is the only weapon where its SuperCharge stops all enemy attacks from dealing damage (full immunity).
    • This means that this weapon is the best one to use when clearing out an entire enemy team, or the enemy Mechanic's buildings without dying.
    • Doctor's other mediguns charge faster, but only give a small damage resistance or damage boost when SuperCharge is used. To 100% ensure your survival, the stock Medigun is your pick.
  • If ambushed, it is better to activate your SuperCharge to escape than to die with a full, unused SuperCharge meter.
    • This is best known in the quote "Pop it, don't drop it."
  • Be aware that the Medigun's invulerability will not protect you from environmental hazards, such as cliffs, saws, or trains. Enemy Arsonists may attempt to airblast you into these hazards, so remember their locations and avoid activating your SuperCharge near them.

Related Achievements[]


Two is a Couple
Two is a Couple
Have you and the Doctor healing you Dominate the same player on the enemy team.
Doctor Downer
Doctor Downer
Kill a Doctor who is ready to deploy a Supercharge.


Kill a Trooper and his Doctor with the same reflected rocket.


Bombing Squad
Bombing Squad
As an Annihilator, while Supercharged by a Doctor, destroy 5 separate buildings before the charge ends.
Redwater Trail
Redwater Trail
As an Annihilator, kill a Doctor with a melee attack, and kill the player they were healing within 10 seconds.


Us Stand Superior
Us Stand Superior
While being healed by a Doctor as a Brute, kill an opposing Brute & Doctor duo.
As a Brute, kill the enemy who killed a Doctor healing you within 5 seconds of their killing.
Give 30 lunchbox items to Doctors healing you.
Healable Guy
Healable Guy
As a Brute, be Supercharged by a Doctor 50 times.


Peak Efficiency
Peak Efficiency
Deploy your Supercharge when you or the person you're healing have less than 20 health.
Humble Healing
Humble Healing
Accumulate 5000 heal points.
Supercharge a player on your friends' list.
Magna Carta
Magna Carta
As a Doctor, have a teammate you're currently healing capture the last point on Payload.
The Friend Team
The Friend Team
As a Doctor, heal 3 players on your friends' list in the same round.
Doctor Assisted Homicide
Doctor Assisted Homicide
As a Doctor, accumulate 10 assists in a single life.
Of the Third Degree
Of the Third Degree
Assist in burning 5 enemies with a single Supercharge on an Arsonist.
As a Doctor, win a round as the top scorer on your team without a single kill.
Tooth Fairy
Tooth Fairy
Use 32 collected teeth from the Dentist's Delight with Supercharges.
Super Man
Super Man
Deploy 3 Supercharges in a single life.
As a Doctor, accumulate 1 million heal points.
Irish Guard1
Irish Guard
Assist in killing 5 enemies with a single Supercharge on an Annihilator.
As a Doctor, heal 25 bleeding teammates.
Bruted in Chaos
Bruted in Chaos
Assist in killing 5 enemies with a single Supercharge on an Brute.
Medical Preparation
Medical Preparation
Have your Supercharge ready before the Setup phase ends.
Fighter of Fire
Fighter of Fire
As a Doctor, heal 100 burning teammates.
Bedside Manner
Bedside Manner
Heal a teammate while they earn an achievement of their own.

Update History[]

November 12, 2022

  • Added Malpractitioner.

November 24, 2022

December 5, 2022

  • Malpractitioner is no longer obtainable via item drops. (Undocumented)

October 28, 2023 (Typical Horrors III)

  • Added Malpractitioner to the item drop pool. (Undocumented)

December 24, 2023 (Kringle's Annual New Year Expansion)

  • Malpractitioner is no longer obtainable via item drops. (Undocumented)

July 13, 2024 (Summer FM)

  • Reduced healing range from 60 studs to 50 studs.
  • Updated viewmodel animations.

October 19, 2024 (Typical Horrors IV)

  • Added Malpractitioner to the Daily Shop rotation. (Undocumented)
  • Added Malpractitioner to the item drop pool. (Undocumented)

February 1, 2025 (The New WINTER)

  • No longer obtainable from the Daily Shop. (Undocumented)
  • No longer obtainable from item drops. (Undocumented)

