Typical Colors 2 Wiki

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Typical Colors 2 Wiki

[ Short fuse but smart and straight to the point. Everything must go according to plan.
―Class information.

The Mechanic is the seventh class in-game. Born in Western America, he is an intelligent builder of the team who specializes in constructing and maintaining buildings.

Mechanic can build 3 types of machines, the Sentry Gun, which targets and shoots at nearby enemies until disposed of, the Dispenser, which provides health, ammunition and metal for the Mechanic and other friendly teammates, and Teleporters, which teleport friendly players from place to place almost instantaneously (note that disguised enemy Agents can use Teleporters and Dispensers as well.)

Mechanic's buildings are almost constantly under threat from explosives, powerful ranged weapons and enemy Agents, for their uncontested healing, support and raw damage potential. The Mechanic always has to keep an eye out and keep his contraptions fully repaired at all times. His Wrench has the ability to destroy enemy Agents' sappers by hitting them twice. If needed, the Mechanic can also pick up and haul his buildings to a different location.

The Mechanic is the only class who has the ability to see item pickups through walls if he's close to them.

He is based on Team Fortress 2's Engineer.


See also: Healing
Class Health Overheal Rejuvenator Overheal
Normal health 125 185 155
Gunslinger equipped 135 200 165
Gutbuster equipped, 0 Guts 100 150 125
Gutbuster equipped, 1 Gut 115 173 144
Gutbuster equipped, 2 Guts 130 195 163
Gutbuster equipped, 3 Guts 145 218 182
Gutbuster and Gunslinger equipped, 0 Guts 110 165 138
Gutbuster and Gunslinger equipped, 1 Gut 125 185 155
Gutbuster and Gunslinger equipped, 2 Guts 140 210 175
Gutbuster and Gunslinger equipped, 3 Guts 155 233 194


Condition Regular Backward Crouched Swimming
Normal speed 100% 90% 33% 80%
Gunslinger or Heavy Metal equipped 107% 96% 36% 85%
Gunslinger and Heavy Metal equipped 114% 103% 37% 91%
Gutbuster equipped, 1 Gut 108% 98% 36% 87%
Gutbuster equipped, 2 Guts 116% 105% 39% 93%
Gutbuster equipped, 3 Guts 124% 112% 41% 100%
Gutbuster and Gunslinger equipped, 1 Gut 115% 104% 38% 92%
Gutbuster and Gunslinger equipped, 2 Guts 123% 111% 41% 99%
Gutbuster and Gunslinger equipped, 3 Guts 131% 118% 44% 105%
Gunslinger, Heavy Metal and Gutbuster equipped, 1 Gut 122% 110% 41% 98%
Gunslinger, Heavy Metal and Gutbuster equipped, 2 Guts 130% 117% 43% 104%
Gunslinger, Heavy Metal and Gutbuster equipped, 3 Guts 138% 125% 46% 111%


  • Move and place buildings according to the state of the game, try to place them as far back from the frontlines and as far away from spawn as possible.
  • If the entire nest is being assaulted, fall back towards the next point and rebuild the nest.
    • While it is certainly heroic to try to save the nest by getting a few kills, the survivability of one's self is more important than the buildings since the Mechanic is only capable of building, upgrading, and maintaining buildings; without at least level 1 buildings in the backline for your team, it becomes exponentially easier for the enemy team to push.
  • If a building is being sapped, hit the building with the wrench once and attack the assaulting Agent. Once the Agent dies or is far away from the nest, unsap the buildings. This is to prevent the Agent from simply reapplying the sapper over and over until the building is destroyed. Another method would be to hit the sentry a second time while fighting the Agent since they will likely be undisguised and/or far away trying to kill you with their revolver which can allow the sentry to finish the fight or be repaired.
  • It is possible to see ammo kits and health kits through walls. Use this to quickly locate metal or locate an enemy Agent that is refilling its cloak meter or health.
  • Try not to crowd buildings near each other; this makes it easy for an Agent, an Annihilator or a Trooper to destroy the nest.

Sentry Gun

  • Do not place Sentries near the frontlines. They are not damage sponges or killing machines; they are area denial tools. Doing so also greatly increases the chances for the enemy team to target it.
  • Sentries must be placed patrolling key objectives or chokepoints. They are powerful area denial tools that punish overextending opponents or flanking opponents.
  • Move the sentry around every few kills to keep the enemy on their toes and to prevent the enemy team from effectively pushing the nest.
  • Fall back to the Sentry if low on health and let the Sentry take care of the opponent; This tactic works for all classes and even with the Mini-Sentry.


  • Mini-sentries are much more disposable than a stock Sentry and maintaining it should be the least priority.
  • Despite their much more disposable nature, they should not be put directly into the frontlines unless attempting a distraction. They still serve the same purpose as a Sentry, albeit more aggressively.
  • Fight alongside the Mini-Sentry with a primary or secondary of choice to further increase damage output.


  • Dispensers should always be placed near chokepoints, near health packs, or in areas where players can quickly retreat to when they're wounded.
  • Place your dispenser near where your team is fighting. If you do not have a Doctor on your team, the healing your dispenser dishes out could be just enough to give them the upper hand.
  • Unless your objective is in drastic need of protection, or your team is lagging behind and cannot reach the objective quickly, always set down a Dispenser first so you have metal for the sentry gun and teleporters that you will need to set down as well.
  • Even a Level 1 Dispenser will be more than enough to counter the effects of Afterburn.


  • Teleporters are undoubtedly the most influential building as they can quickly move power classes back to the front line and can drastically change the tide of the game.
  • When starting the game or building an entrance at spawn, use the Eureka Effect for your first life or the game as when Teleporters are built with this wrench, it costs 25 less metal and halves the upgrade cost to 100 metal per level, allowing for faster upgrading. In addition, it allows the 2nd priority classes to use the Teleporters without delay since the Eureka Effect allows you to teleport to your exit without making it go on cooldown and spawn room if you press "r" and either 1(Base) or 2(Exit). This can also allow for quicker set ups as you can restock HP and metal after getting to safe cover.
  • If a Mechanic has a level 1 or level 2 teleporter at spawn, switch to Mechanic and upgrade it to level 3, preferably using the P.D.Q. Doing this simple action can save the Mechanic time and can be a huge time-saver for the entire team.
  • Use right click to rotate where the team will be facing when they exit your Teleporter. Face the teleporter at the back of a wall and towards the frontlines to avoid confusion or an Agent camping the Teleporter.
  • Teleporters should send the team in a long distance where it is capable of saving a huge amount of time walking to the frontlines. Teleporters that lead further back from the frontlines or do not cover an adequate distance at all only wastes time for the entire team.
  • The Mechanic should always be the first in line to use the teleporter, as he is the only one capable of maintaining teleporters and other buildings.
    • Annihilators, Doctors, Brutes, Arsonists and Troopers are second in line; They are all able to keep consistent front-line pressure, but their relatively slow movement speed and/or general influence on matches gives them higher priority over other classes. Although these classes can blast jump or use movement-enhancing items such as the Speed Coil, Escapist's Escapade and the Overdrive to get to the front lines quicker, it's often slower and riskier than simply teleporting.
    • Flanker, Marksman, and Agent, while powerful in their own respect, either have consistent means of getting to where they need to be without sacrificing health. They may also not be suited for frontline combat depending on their loadout and should therefore wait last or avoid teleporters altogether.






Notes / Special Abilities

New Shotgun 2023
6 32
Battle Pass
Eyes of Bermuda
Battle Pass
Eyes of Bermuda
3 16

Plus pictogram

+20% more accurate.

Plus pictogram

Gain 2 revenge crits for each Sentry kill when your sentry is destroyed.

Minus pictogram

-50% max primary ammo on wearer.

Minus pictogram

-50% clip size.

Minus pictogram

Revenge crits are lost on death.
6-10 32

Plus pictogram

Clip size increased on kill. (Up to +4)

Plus pictogram

+60% bullets per shot.

Minus pictogram

20% slower firing speed.

Minus pictogram

-35% damage penalty.
0-4 32

Plus pictogram

This weapon deploys 50% faster.

Plus pictogram

+15% faster firing speed.

Plus pictogram

50% faster reload time.

Plus pictogram

Hold fire to load up to 4 shells.

Plus pictogram

Fire rate increases as health decreases.

Minus pictogram

Weapon spread increases as health decreases.

Plus pictogram

Does not require ammo.

Plus pictogram

On Hit: Reduces healing from all sources recieved.

Plus pictogram

On Hit: Set enemy on fire for 3 seconds.

Minus pictogram

Deals only 20% damage to buildings.

Minus pictogram

-30% damage penalty.
Healing effect is reduced over distance and duration is increased over distance.
Family Business
Family Business
8 32

Plus pictogram

+15% faster firing speed.

Plus pictogram

+33% clip size.

Minus pictogram

-20% damage penalty.
6 32
Gives increased speed and health with every gut busted.

Plus pictogram

Minicrits against your sentry's target.

Minus pictogram

Minicrits whenever it would normally crit.

Minus pictogram

-25% max health on wearer.
Rescue Ranger
Rescue Ranger
4 16

Plus pictogram

Alt-Fire: Use 100 metal to pick up your targeted building from long range.

Plus pictogram

Fires a special bolt that can repair friendly buildings.

Minus pictogram

-34% clip size.

Minus pictogram

-50% max primary ammo on wearer.

Minus pictogram

Self mark for death when hauling buildings.

Minus pictogram

4:1 health:metal ratio when repairing buildings.
∞ / 6 6

Plus pictogram

On hit: damage dealt is returned as ammo.

Plus pictogram

+50% more rampup.

Minus pictogram

Per Shot: -30 ammo.

Minus pictogram

Uses metal for ammo.

Minus pictogram

20% slower firing speed.





Notes / Special Abilities

Pistol render
12 200
BossPlus pictogram This item always mini-crits.
Conventional render
15 200

Plus pictogram

+25% clip size.

Plus pictogram

+20% faster firing speed.

Minus pictogram

-25% less accurate.

Minus pictogram

-20% damage penalty.
Noisy Cricket
Noisy Cricket
6 100
BossPlus pictogram This item always mini-crits.

Plus pictogram

On hit: 70% of damage dealt is returned as metal.

Plus pictogram

40% more accurate.

Minus pictogram

-50% clip size.

Minus pictogram

-50% max secondary ammo on wearer.
Short Circuit
Short Circuit
5 200
BossPlus pictogram This item always mini-crits.

Plus pictogram

Alt-Fire: Launches a projectile-consuming energy ball. Costs 65 metal.

Plus pictogram

No reload necessary.

Minus pictogram

Per Shot: -3 ammo.

Minus pictogram

Uses metal for ammo.
BossPlus pictogram This item always mini-crits.

Plus pictogram

Take manual control of your Sentry Gun.

Minus pictogram

Sentries are disabled for 1 seconds after becoming unwrangled.
Heavy Metal
Heavy Metal

Plus pictogram

+100 max metal.

Plus pictogram

+7% faster move speed.
Does not increase metal gained from small and medium ammo packs. (Unlisted)





Notes / Special Abilities

BossPlus pictogram This item always crits.
Doll Maker
Item Drop
Doll Maker
Mod Max
Battle Pass
Mod Max
Bloxy Award
Bloxy Award
BossPlus pictogram This item always crits.
Killed enemies freeze into solid gold statues (purely cosmetic feature).

Plus pictogram

Imbued with an ancient power.
Golden Frying Pan render
Golden Frying Pan
Golden Wrench
Golden Wrench
Eureka Effect
Eureka Effect
BossPlus pictogram This item always crits.

Plus pictogram

Press your reload key to teleport to spawn or your teleporter exit.

Plus pictogram

-50% metal cost when constructing or upgrading teleporters.

Minus pictogram

Construction hit speed boost decreased by 50%.

Minus pictogram

20% less metal from pickups and dispensers.

Minus pictogram

Wearer cannot carry the intelligence briefcase.
Replaces the Sentry with a Mini-Sentry.
BossPlus pictogram Mini-Sentry always mini-crits.
BossPlus pictogram This item always crits.

Plus pictogram

+7% faster move speed on wearer.

Plus pictogram

+10% health on wearer.
BossPlus pictogram This item always crits.

Plus pictogram

Construction hit speed boost increased by 30%

Plus pictogram

+15% faster firing speed.

Minus pictogram

40% slower repair rate.

Minus pictogram

-25% damage penalty.

Minus pictogram

-30% damage penalty vs buildings.
Southern Hospitality
Southern Hospitality
BossPlus pictogram This item always crits.

Plus pictogram

On Hit: Bleed for 5 seconds.

Plus pictogram

25% faster repair rate.

Plus pictogram

+100% damage to buildings.

Minus pictogram

25% slower firing speed.

Minus pictogram

Construction hit speed boost decreased by 25%



Notes / Special Abilities

Allows the player to place the Sentry, Dispenser and both Teleporters in the map.
Allows the player to destroy their Sentry, Dispenser and both Teleporters.







Damage Per Second/Replenish/Recharge

The Sentries Sentry Gun One 130 150 71.11 damage / second
No rockets
Two 330 180 118.52 damage / second
No rockets
Three 530 216 118.52 damage / second
50-150 damage
The Mini-Sentry Mini-Sentry N/A 100 100 44.44 damage / second
The Dispensers Dispenser One 100 150 40 metal / second
20% ammo / second
10 health / second
Two 300 180 50 metal / second
30% ammo / second
15 health / second
Three 500 216 60 metal / second
40% ammo / second
20 health / second
The Teleporter Teleporters
Entrance / Exit
One 50 (25) 150 Recharge: 10 seconds
Two 250 (125) 180 Recharge: 5 seconds
Three 450 (225) 216 Recharge: 3 seconds

Cosmetic Items


  • Through all of Mechanic's variation, some of his accessories are made by Roblox:
  • In Typical Colors 1, Mechanic only had a Sentry gun and unique stock weapons.
    • His unique Primary was a Mechanical Shotgun, with a similar appearance and function to the Ammo Hog, although they did not share any stats other than the 4-round magazine capacity.
    • His unique secondary was a Reverse Engineered Pistol, which maintained a appearance similar to the Pistol from Team Fortress 2. However, it functioned similarly to the Marksman's Tec-9 from the pre-rehaul phase, where the pistol was fully automatic and had a 30-round magazine.
    • His sentries used to look similar to the TF2 sentries in TC1.
  • According to one of the Mechanic's domination lines, it is implied that he was at one point (in his life, not the game) faster than the Flanker. Although this is probably meant to be a demeaning insult to the Flanker by calling him slow.
  • Mechanic has 24 weapons in total, 7 of those he shares with other classes.
  • One of Mechanic's critical death sounds has remained unchanged since 2016.
  • Mechanic had the same hairstyle and goggles since mid-2016.
  • The player can re-create Engineer from Roblox Fortress 2 by wearing the Builder's Brainguard and Electric Energy cosmetics.
  • The unused design from the rehaul uses Flanker's face.
  • RED Mechanic used to wear the same green goggles the GRN Mechanic does from mid-2016 until his current design.
  • Mechanic appears in Arsenal as a skin with the other eight classes.
  • RED Mechanic can be found as a Shop NPC in ROLVe's game, Right 2 Fight.
  • Mechanic is the shortest class in the game, standing only at 4.789 studs.

Voice Actors


  • Past Designs
  • Thumbnails
  • GUIs
  • Concepts
  • Miscellaneous

Other Pages

Mechanic Voicelines Mechanic Matchups
