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Typical Colors 2 Wiki

[ Defeat other players and pick up their points. Stand in capture zones to deposit them. First team to the set amount wins!

Player Destruction (abbreviated to PD) is a gamemode where both teams are tasked to eliminate each other to collect points.

When a player is eliminated, they drop an object which can be deposited to a certain area in the map which will be transferred into points, the team that reaches 50 points first (the goal can decrease if there's less players), or has the greatest number of points before the round ends wins.

The player who has picked up the most points will be dubbed the Team Leader, the Team Leader has the ability to automatically regenerate the HP and ammo of both themselves, and their surrounding Teammates at a rate similar to that of a Level 1 Dispenser (Roughly 10 hp/s). As a downside, they will be highlighted for all on the map to see. Agent can't be a Team Leader, if an Agent has the most points, Team Leader will go to the player with the second highest amount of points.




GRNFlanker render23Flanker
With Flanker's speed and high damage output, he'll be expected to quickly kill enemies and pick up their points.

However, be wary of your low health. Because Flankers will be mainly targetted to prevent them from quickly swooping in the snag points, you'll need to be extra careful, especially if you become Team Leader. An unlockable that mitigates this issue somewhat is the Concealed Carry, as you can pair the weapon's heal on kill to help make up for the fact that you will be targeted.

Flanker's "hit-and-run" strategy is very important in PD. Once you pick up a point, do not engage more enemies until you fully reload your weapon. Instead, run away to find breathing room, then jump back into the fight.

If you always take flank routes instead of going into the main fight head-on, your chances of securing a kill and ensuring your survival will be greater.

GRNTrooper render23Trooper
The Trooper's ability to rocket jump allows you to make similar "hit-and-run" plays similar to Flanker's. Rocket jumping into a fight, getting a few kills, then rocket jump away to safety is Trooper's most effective strategy in PD. (To make sure you don't blow yourself up from rocket jumping, wear the Gunboats to receive less blast damage.)

If you're intending on being the Team Leader for quite a while, it's recommended you orient your loadout more defensively. Equipping either a Shotgun or one of the three Banners is preferable.

Your Rocket Launcher's knockback ability will keep opponents away from the capture point, so do this to prevent the other team from scoring.

GRNArsonist render23Arsonist
As an Arsonist, you play a more defensive or support type role. With PD's demand to fight on the capture point, your Flamethrower's afterburn effect will help your teammates get a slight upper-hand in killing opponents.

You can also attempt to airblast opponents away from the capture point to prevent them from scoring, though this might not be as effective as Trooper's rockets.

You also need to mind your lack of range. More times than not, you may need to depend on a Shotgun or Flare Gun to fight any enemies who aren't willing to lose their precious points.

With all your teammates on the capture point, it will be easier to check your teammates if they're a disguised Agent.

GRNAnnihilator render23Annihilator
Annihilator's role in PD falls into two playstyles. Either by setting instakill traps that the enemy team's leader will walk into using the Stickybomb Launcher, or using a mobility oriented shield such as the Tide Turner to play as more of a pick class that collects points off of enemy players.

Given your sizable health pool, sustaining yourself as a Team Leader is relatively easy. You can use your Team Leader-highlight to lure in players in order to kill them with a sticky trap.

Just like in KOTH or Payload, you can plant stickies from the Stickybomb Launcher on the capture point to discourage the enemy from scoring.

GRNBrute render23Brute
As a Brute, you fall into the role of a Juggernaut. Use your high-DPS weaponry to shred the enemy team's players to quickly attain points, and use your high health to tank any oncoming attacks from the enemy if you are the Team Leader.

Since it's always good to keep on moving, two recommended primaries would be the M249 and the Tomislav, as they allow for a more mobile playstyle. Since you have a constant stream of health in the form of either the team leader, or being the team leader, using a Lunchbox item isn't a wise decision, among the shotguns, the strongest one you'd have at your disposal is the Sub Shotgun, as upon getting a kill, you will be rewarded with a quick replenishment of half your health pool.

If, however, you want to stay on the capture point and discourage your opponents from scoring, find a suitable spot and keep moving around it while shooting. Combined with a Mechanic's Dispenser, you'll practically be unstoppable.

GRNMechanic render23Mechanic
As a Mechanic, your strategy is similar to defending on Payload or a captured point in KOTH. Always put your buildings on the capture point for maximum effectiveness.

Building a Sentry on the capture point to keep enemies away from scoring.

A Dispenser will keep you and your teammates alive while fighting on the point or give a good place to retreat to when they're low on health.

Your Teleporters on the capture point will help you and your teammates get back into the fight faster when they die.

GRNDoctor render23Doctor
As a Doctor, keep the team captain alive as long as possible, as well as the rest of your team. It's a good idea to use the Syringe Crossbow in conjunction with your Medigun to get high amounts of healing to your teammates.

If you somehow become the Team Leader, your passive "+3 HP/s regeneration" ability will stack on top of the Team Leader's 10 HP/s healing ability, helping you to survive a few more fights.

If your opponents are camping on the capture point, a good Supercharge will clear them out and allow your teammates to take control. However, the Medigun takes a while to build up its Supercharge. It's recommended to use something that builds up Supercharge relatively fast, such as the Kritzkrieg or Rejuvenator.

You must take caution though, all of your opponents will target you to make sure you don't heal your teammates. If you're looking to pocket a teammate, make sure they're willing to protect you.

GRNMarksman render23Marksman
As a Marksman, help your team by sniping enemies and taking out the team leader from afar. Though its recommended that you refrain from picking up points up yourself, as your self sustain is incredibly weak. Remember that Team Leaders can be seen through walls, so if you pick up too many points, your enemies will know where your camping spot is.

Do not snipe from the capture point. The capture points in PD force close-quarters combat. Take flank-routes and quietly find a spot to snipe from. However, once you snipe someone, move to a different spot so your enemies will keep guessing where you're sitting at. While you're at it, look out for Flankers and Agents who will try to mess up your gameplan.

If you still want to fight on the capture point, your best Primary to use is the Poacher's Pride. It's the only rifle that allows the Marksman to freely be more mobile, and can work in close-quarters combat.

GRNAgent render23Agent
As an Agent, your strategy stays the same as always. Disguise, cloak, and backstab. Even while disguised or cloaked, you can pick up and hold on to points. Remember that Agents can't become Team Leader, which is a blessing in disguise.

To be most effective in Player Destruction, Your Eternal Reward might be the best knife to use. If you kill the enemy Team Leader, you'll immediately gain their identity and all of their points, with the added bonus that nobody but your teammates know that the enemy leader is dead.


Update History[]

July 13, 2024 (Summer FM)

  • Added Player Destruction.

July 15, 2024

  • Fixed an issue with the GRN team's win message in Player Destruction being in the incorrect spot.

July 16, 2024

  • Potentially fixed softlock in Player Destruction.

July 18, 2024

  • Fixed an issue where players leaving in Player Destruction caused point desyncs and softlocks.

November 12, 2024

  • Fixed an issue where players could pick up tokens in Player Destruction while under the Bloxy Cola's effects.
  • Fixed the Player Destruction score killfeed not displaying "scored" next to the user's name.