Typical Colors 2 Wiki

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Typical Colors 2 Wiki
This page is for content that was planned for the game, but was never added. For content added to the game but then removed, see Removed Content.

Scrapped content refers to content that was planned to be added to the game, but for one reason or another it was not added. This includes joke content that was being tested by the developers as something to be added to the game, along with more serious concepts.


Many weapons have been conceptualized to be added to Typical Colors 2, but some do not make the cut due to balancing, design flaws, or other reasons.

This list consists of weapons that have been completely scrapped from the game. Some scrapped weapons can be identified with the description text saying, "Gone, but not forgotten".

Any of these weapons that are still in game can only be used by contributors and developers.






Rock Scatter N/A
Speed Demon
Speed Demon

Plus pictogram

+30% faster reload time

Plus pictogram

+15% faster firing speed

Plus pictogram

+20% faster move speed on wearer

Minus pictogram

+50% damage vulnerability on wearer
New Buff Banner
Gas Passer
Creates a horrific visible gas that coats enemies with a flammable material, which then ignites and explodes if they take damage
Gas increases through damage done or taken.
Buffed version of Team Fortress 2's Gas Passer; planned since August 11, 2019, later produced into a non-functional joke weapon on February 23, 2021.
Neon Annihilator
Neon Annihilator N/A Not much is known about this weapon except for its backpack icon and declared model in the game files, as there are no present weapon statistics. It's possible that the stats would've remained the same as its Team Fortress 2 counterpart, but with other original additions.
Manmelter N/A Rebalanced version of Team Fortress 2's Manmelter; planned since August 11, 2019, assumed to have been scrapped around February 2022.
Scorch Shot
Scorch Shot N/A Rebalanced version of Team Fortress 2's Scorch Shot; planned since August 11, 2019, assumed to have been scrapped around February 2022.
Thermal Thruster
Thermal Thruster N/A Rebalanced version of Team Fortress 2's Thermal Thruster; planned since August 11, 2019, assumed to have been scrapped around February 2022.
The supposed model was uploaded and designed by CookiesInOJ on the official Discord server in 2020.
Third Degree
Third Degree N/A Not much is known about the Third Degree except for its backpack icon and declared model in the game files, as there are no present weapon statistics. It could be possible that the stats will remain the same as its Team Fortress 2 counterpart, but with other original additions.
Limb Trimmers
Limb Trimmers

Plus pictogram

+20% Melee Damage

Minus pictogram

-15% Movement Speed
Cuts a random part of the body off a corpse or a player when they die
Not much is known about the Limb Trimmers. Its supposed stats can be found in a now privated model, and it was supposedly scrapped from its planned release in Typical Colors so the developers could work on Typical Colors 2, and/or there was trouble animating it. Current Developer ExecutiveKrab later commented in the official TC2 discord about it being scrapped.[1]

Plus pictogram

Mini-crits targets launched airborne by explosions or enemy attacks

Plus pictogram

+50% clip size

Minus pictogram

-20% damage penalty
Started as a Pre-rehaul weapon, however, it was re-added and then removed in the CTE.
Gravitational Grenadier render
Gravitational Grenadier

Plus pictogram

+30% explosion radius

Minus pictogram

+30% fuse time on grenades

Minus pictogram

-50% projectile speed
Grenades have heavily slowed falling speed and increased bounce and roll
Same model as the previous Iron Force but black.
Heal Bomb render
Heal Bomb
Non-functional stats:

Plus pictogram

User heals 5 health per second while standing on the aura

Minus pictogram

User on the enemy team heals 2.5 health per second while standing on the aura

Minus pictogram

30-45 second cooldown
Throw a "heal bomb" that creates an aura upon touching the ground
Aura lasts 7.5 seconds
Originally added on April 6, 2022, the Heal Bomb is a Community-made weapon that was accidentally added to the Fitten Co. Store in Typical Horrors III before being removed 6 minutes later.
Vita-Saw N/A Not much is known about the Vita-Saw except for its backpack icon and declared model in the game files, as there are no present weapon statistics. It could be possible that the stats will remain the same as its Team Fortress 2 counterpart, but with other original additions.










Speed Demon (cosmetic)
Speed Demon
Track Star
Track Star
Scrapped Cosmetic Caveman Flanker
Caveman Flanker
Big Chief
Big Chief
Fire Hazard
Fire Hazard
Racing Vet Leak
Racing Vet
Scrapped Cosmetic Cowboy Brute
Cowboy's Couture
Mad Doctor
Mad Doctor
Camp Sniping
Camp Sniping
The Outlaw
Pro's Panama
Pro's Panama
Devin Icon
Devin A. Pocket
Admin Cap
Admin Cap
Team Curse
Team Curse
Notes • † - Equipable by Agent, Doctor, and Marksman.


  • List of cosmetics which the mesh or texture cannot be found or recreated:
    • Coal Miner (a team-colored miner helmet with a light at the front for the Mechanic)


  • Arsenal's Hackula was going to be added to the VS. Bosses gamemode, but the idea got scrapped.[2]
  • Assassin Agent was supposed to be in VS. Bosses, but was later scrapped.
  • There was going to be a collaboration with Era Warfare.
  • Typical Colors has remnants for "Sniper Only" and "Builder Only" gamemodes.[3]
  • There was going to be a quest that featured the map Bathroom.[4]


