Typical Colors 2 Wiki

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Typical Colors 2 Wiki
"I need some assistance!"
This page does not meet our standards and requires a thorough clean-up.
Please help us finish it by editing the page.
In particular, this page requires: An updated settings list to match the current settings menu that was implemented since Summer 2024
[ Hah! Try fixin' that up!
―Flanker taunting the enemy Mechanic.Audioicon

Settings are options to change how the game feels, plays, and looks. The button to change the settings can be found in the top-right of the Team Selection Screen displayed as a gear icon.

Settings Listing[]

Below lists the currently changeable settings.

Current Settings
  • Tc2 mainㅤGeneral
  • PC icon ㅤ PC Only
  • XboxIconㅤ Gamepad
  • MarksmantransparentCrosshair
  • NameTagOutline Visibility
Name Function
Toggle Third Person If enabled, it makes your character go into third person. It only works if the server that you are in has it enabled. It can also be enabled-disabled by pressing F5.
Announcer Volume Changes how loud the Announcer that announces game details is. Default is 1.
Tutorial Nodes If enabled, makes points of reference appear on objectives having a small phrase to show what to do with them.
Auto-Reload If enabled, allows you to automatically reload your weapon after firing.
Automatic Battle Pass Tier Advance If enabled, it will automatically claim tiers in any Battle Passes you have activated.
Archived Class Wheel If enabled, it will change the Class Selection Screen into the version before The Update with Patches And Content.
Spectator Camera Speed Changes how fast the camera moves while on the Spectator team and in Freecam Mode. Default is 1.
Click to Heal If enabled, allows you to heal a player without needing to hold down the left mouse button at all times.
Concise Disguise Kit If enabled, disguising as an Agent is made easier by using the 1-3 keys instead of 1-9.
Disable Hitsound Pitch If enabled, your hitsound's pitch will remain in its default state instead of fluctuating with the amount of damage you do.
Use Display Names If enabled, any user that has a display name applied on their ROBLOX account will appear to you in-game.
Enable First Person Spectate If enabled, while spectating a player instead of it being a camera that circles around the player. It will instead be a camera in first person.
Hitsound ID Changes the sound made when hitting an opponent via ROBLOX audio ID. You can press the Preview button to hear the hitsound before you use it. There is also a question mark beside the Preview button that gives you 13 presets to chose from. Default is 214032855.
Hitsound Pitch Settings Allows you to change the hitsound's pitch range and height in pitch.
Hitsound Volume Changes how loud the hitsound is. Default is 1.
Killsound ID Changes the sound made when killing an opponent via ROBLOX audio ID. You can press the Preview button to hear the hitsound before you use it. Default is 3455144981.
Killsound Volume Changes how loud the Killsound is. Default is 2.
Music Volume Changes the volume of the music. There is not a limit to the maximum volume. Default is 1.
Concise Server Location If enabled, it simplifies the server locations into 2 letters unless it is a US server. If it is a US server it will use "US" at the beginning then the state the server is in, separated via a Dash. Example; US-CA.
Show Player Weapons Allows the viewing of your teammate's weapons with M3.
Show Outlines If enabled, when you spawn you will see teammate outlines for 7 seconds after respawning or joining the team. It will not outline enemy Agents that are disguised.
Name Function
C to Crouch If enabled, the 3rd voice-list button will be swapped with with the crouch button, replacing V with the 3rd voice-list button.
Shift Crouch If enabled, switches CTRL with Left ⇧ Shift to crouch.
Uppercase Item Names If enabled, all item names will always be in uppercase, only visible in Inventory, Shop and Killcam.
Chat Text Size Changes the size of the Text Chat. Default is 18.
Disable chat If enabled, the ability to send and view messages shown in the chat is disabled, though this does not affect voice commands.
Force Silly Gibs If enabled, gibs and ragdolls will fling a lot farther than usual.
Scream on headshot/de-cap If enabled, your class will scream after a headshot or being decapitated by a sword. This also applies to gibs.
Subtitles If enabled, voice commands will appear in chat. Note that this will often make it harder to read chat.
Toggle Right Click If enabled, any weapon that uses a held M2 to do a mechanic will only need one click to be activated.
Name Function
Vibration If enabled, your controller will vibrate after certain actions such as firing your weapon or receiving damage.
Name Function
Crosshair Color Allows you to change the color of your crosshair using RGB values. Default is 63, 63, 255.
Crosshair Image Allows you to change the crosshair image by inserting a decal ID from the Roblox library (0 for default).
Crosshair Scaling If enabled, your crosshair will scale accordingly with weapon bloom (i.e. Revolver shots, Minigun spread, etc.)
Crosshair Size Multiplier Allows you to change the crosshair's size. Default is 1.
Name Function
Bullet Decals If enabled, you will see the bullet holes you make after you shoot at a wall.
FOV Also known as field of view, it changes how much you can see your surroundings. It's limited to 70-90 degrees. Default is 90.
Line Viewmodels If enabled, your viewmodels will be invisible with a while outline around the viewmodel.
Minimalized View-models If enabled, your viewmodels will be lowered to be less obstructive.
Disable Shadows If enabled, nearly every shadow caused by the environment will disappear. Shadows by players and weapons, however, will still remain.
No Viewmodels If enabled, your viewmodels will be completely invisible.
Ragdolls If enabled, killing an enemy will make their corpse become a part of the scenery. If disabled, they will simply disappear.


  • The No Viewmodels setting is slightly deceptive; you may not be able to see your viewmodels on-screen, however they aren't actually invisible. Rather, they are very far away from the player, meaning that you will not be able to see them in regular gameplay.
  • For a long time, Line Viewmodels didn't work and made the weapons invisible without the white outline.


  • Some parts of certain weapon do not turn invisible while using Line Viewmodels.
  • While using Line Viewmodels, reloading with the Huntsman will cause the arrow to become opaque instead of being invisible.
  • While you have crits, the weapons do not get an outline while using Line Viewmodels.


