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Typical Colors 2 Wiki

Example of a stalemate in a private server.

[ You failed! Stalemate.

A Stalemate is a mechanic that usually triggers when a tie occurs.

Cause of a Stalemate[]

A stalemate will occur if:

  • Nobody captures the main point in Control Points before time runs out.
  • Having the same score in Team Deathmatch after overtime ends.
  • The timer runs out on Capture the Flag while overtime is active.
  • The timer runs out on Arena while both teams have the same amount of players or when both teams are eliminated.
  • A community server match is manually ended by an admin or the owner before a team can meet the gamemode's win condition.


  • When a stalemate occurs, everyone will be in a state of humiliation, where all the player can do is just run around. However, you could kill someone via taunt kill or charging into someone before stalemate occurs.
  • During Pre-Rehaul, a stalemate could happen if nobody captured the control point on King of the Hill.