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Typical Colors 2 Wiki
"I would say your death is music to my ears but.. heavens no, you sound awful."
This page contains audio files that are exceptionally high in volume. It is recommended to lower your volume before listening to any audio files in this page.
[ [Laughter]
―Mechanic killing an enemy Agent.Audioicon

Taunts are emotes that the user can activate with by pressing G. Taunting will put the camera in a moveable third-person point-of-view, and the player will start an animation. Taunts are generally used to provoke opponents, celebrate a victory, or for comedic purposes. Taunts also can be cancelled via knockback and some of them have effects that can damage enemies or buff users.

If you only have the Standard Taunts, you'll only have to press G once. If you have a purchasable taunt, you will have to press G twice to taunt.


Standard Taunts[]

Standard Taunts
Flankertransparent‎‎ Flanker
Taunt Weapons Details

Lever Shotgun
Baby Face's Blaster
Shotgun Cannon
Mule Mauler 600

Flanker does a kissing motion with his hand and then hits his chest with his fist two times.
2 seconds
Flanker taunt 2

Lupara DB
Soda Popper
Concealed Carry
Six Point Shuriken
Mad Milk

Flanker will raise his arms up and look to his right then his left.
3 seconds
Troopertransparent‎‎ Trooper
Taunt Weapons Details
Trooper taunt 1

Rocket Launcher
Big Bite
Aerial Bomber
Cow Mangler 5000
Direct Hit
Night Sky Ignitor
Double Trouble
Liberty Launcher
Rocket Jumper
Wrecker's Yard

Trooper salutes.
4 seconds
Trooper taunt 2

Eyes of Bermuda
Battalion's Backup
Boonie Blaster
Buff Banner
Family Business
Personal Death Ray
Reserve Shooter

Trooper crosses his arms and shakes his head.
3 seconds
Trooper taunt 3

Every Trooper Melee

Trooper revs up his arm.
2 seconds
Arsonistransparent‎‎ Arsonist
Taunt Weapons Details
Arsonist taunt 2

Every Arsonist Secondary

Arsonist's head malfunctions and spins uncontrollably until they finally hold it down at the end of the animation.
3 seconds
Arsonist taunt 3

Every Arsonist Melee

Arsonist shuts down for a second, boots up, and makes their torso do a quick 360°.
4 seconds
Annihilatortransparent‎‎ Annihilator
Taunt Weapons Details
New anni taunt primary

Grenade Launcher
Iron Bomber
Iron Force
Loose Cannon
Jack-O Roger

Annihilator will thrust his hip forward before jumping and shouting.
3 seconds
New anni taunt secondary

Stickybomb Launcher
Irish Guard
Quickiebomb Launcher
Sticky Jumper

Annihilator pumps his fist up into the air.
2 seconds
New anni melee taunt

Every Annihilator Melee

Annihilator will swing his melee around a bit before swinging said melee around his back.
5 seconds
Brutetransparent‎‎ Brute
Taunt Weapons Details
Brute taunt 1

Every Brute Primary

Brute flexes his muscles.
3 seconds
Brute taunt 2

Eyes of Bermuda
Family Business
First Responder
Sub Shotgun

Brute plays the air guitar, making a distorted guitar sound.
Duration Taunt Sounds
4 seconds
Mechanictransparent‎‎ Mechanic
Taunt Weapons Details
Mechanic taunt 1

Every Mechanic Shotgun

Mechanic points and laughs.
3 seconds
Mech pistol taunt

Noisy Cricket
Short Circuit

Mechanic mocks the victim for incomprehension while raising his hands then taps his head twice.
4 seconds
Mechanic taunt 2

Every Mechanic Melee

Mechanic dabs in a robotic manner.
3 seconds
Doctortransparent‎‎ Doctor
Taunt Weapons Details
Doctor taunt 1

Syringe Crossbow
Syringe SMG
Dairy Douser

Doctor bows.
2 seconds
Doctor taunt 2

Every Doctor Secondary

Doctor dances and hums.
3 seconds
Doctor taunt 3

Every Doctor Melee

Doctor plays his melee weapon as if it was a violin.
Duration Taunt Sounds
4.2 seconds
Marksmantransparent‎‎ Marksman
Taunt Weapons Details
Marksman taunt 1

Every Marksman Primary

Marksman puts down his weapon, slaps his knee, puts both of his hands on his hips and begins laughing.
4 seconds
Marksman taunt 2

Suppressed Solution
Citric Reaction
Bottled Lemonade

Marksman kneels down.
4 seconds
Marksman taunt 3

Every Marksman Melee

Marksman swipes his hand across his melee.
3 seconds
Agenttransparent‎‎ Agent
Taunt Weapons Details
Agent taunt 1

Every Agent Primary

Agent points at her chest and points her revolver upwards. She then looks from left to right.
4 seconds
Agent taunt 3

Every Agent Melee

Agent throws a rose in front of her and then wipes her chest. The rose remains on the floor for 2 seconds.
4 seconds
Agent taunt 2

Every Agent PDA

Agent uses her sapper to text.
3 seconds

Taunt Kills[]

Taunt Kills
Flankertransparent‎‎ Flanker
Taunt Weapons Details
Flanker taunt 3

Every Flanker Melee

Flanker points up to the sky while saying a voiceline. He then winds up and swings his melee, instantly killing anyone within range and sending their ragdolls flying.
Duration Damage Taunt Sounds
5 seconds 500
Arsonistransparent‎‎ Arsonist
Taunt Weapons Details
Arsonist taunt 1

HuangLong's Wrath

Arsonist charges up and releases their fire breath that lasts around 3 seconds. Damage varies on how much was an enemy was in the fire.

When killed from this taunt, the victim's remains will turn into small blocks of charcoal.

Duration Damage Taunt Sounds
6 seconds 45/tick
Last tick: 318
Brutetransparent‎‎ Brute
Taunt Weapons Details
Brute taunt 3
Most Brute Melees Brute cracks his knuckles before doing an uppercut. Hitting an enemy with this taunt will send their ragdolls flying.
Duration Damage Taunt Sounds
4 seconds 500
Taunt Weapons Details
Brute Eviction Notice Taunt

Eviction Notice

Brute will jump twice while bumping his fists before unleashing a flurry of punches before ending with an uppercut. Killing an enemy with this taunt will send their ragdolls flying.
Duration Damage Taunt Sounds
4 seconds Flurry: 35
Uppercut: 500
Mechanictransparent‎‎ Mechanic
Taunt Weapons Details
Gunslinger Taunt
Gunslinger Mechanic will rev his metal hand, causing it to spin and reveal blades protruding from it. He will then lunge it forwards before retracting the blades.
Duration Damage Taunt Sounds
4.25 seconds 20/tick
Agenttransparent‎‎ Agent
Taunt Weapons Details
Quick Draw Taunt
Quick Draw Agent will point her revolver to the sky before quickly fan firing 6 shots in front of her.
Duration Damage Taunt Sounds
2.58 seconds First 5 shots: 24
Last shot: 450

Special Taunts[]

Special Taunts
Flankertransparent‎‎ Flanker
Taunt Weapons Details
Flanker taunt 4

Bloxy Cola
Witches Brew

Flanker lifts his head and drinks from his soda can. His head bobs up and down while drinking.
Duration Taunt Sounds
1.2 seconds
Arsonistransparent‎‎ Arsonist
Taunt Weapons Details
Arsonist taunt 4


It's the same as Arsonist's melee taunt, however it will skip the torso spin entirely.
2.625 seconds
Brutetransparent‎‎ Brute
Taunt Weapons Details
Brute taunt 4

Brash Burger
Tenacious Turkey
Battle Burrito
Special-Ops Sushi
Second Banana
Tungsten Torus
Dire Donut
Diggity Dog
Jolly Gingerbread

Brute chows down on his meal while standing up with his left hand on his hip.
4.3 seconds
2.15 seconds
(Dire Donut and Tungsten Torus)
Mechanictransparent‎‎ Mechanic
Taunt Weapons Details
New eureka effect taunt

Eureka Effect

Mechanic jumps up in the air and performs a body spin before being teleported.
Duration Taunt Sounds
2 seconds

Boss Exclusive Taunts[]

Boss Exclusive Taunts
Mechanictransparent‎‎ Mad Mechanic
Taunt Weapons Details

Golden Wrench

Mad Mechanic maniacally laughs.
3.17 seconds
Dance Potion Outline‎‎ Classic Bosses
Taunt Bosses Details

Erik Cassel
Matt Dusek
Summoned Zombie

The user performs the Dance Potion dance.
Duration Taunt Sounds
3 seconds

Purchasable Taunts[]

Purchasable Taunts
Flankertransparent‎‎ Flanker
Taunt Name Details
Fake Jukebox Loop Fake Jukebox Flanker grabs a jukebox from the ground and walks around while playing music from a randomized list.
Duration Taunt Sounds
Intro - 1.42 seconds
Idle - ∞ seconds
Outro - 0.43 seconds
Taunt Name Details
Brooklyn Breakdown Brooklyn Breakdown Flanker will perform a breakdance.
3.16 seconds
Troopertransparent‎‎ Trooper
Taunt Name Details
ManifestDestinyIdle Manifest Destiny Trooper pulls out a flag and plants it into the ground, saying a voiceline and saluting afterwards.
Duration Taunt Sounds
Intro - 1.24 seconds
Idle - ∞ seconds
Outro - 1.01 seconds
Taunt Name Details
Intimidation Check Intimidation Check Trooper will intimidate the enemy.
4.12 seconds
Annihilatortransparent‎‎ Annihilator
Taunt Name Details
Calamity Clown Loop Calamity Clown Annihilator fires a grenade above him and catches it, juggling it and 2 other grenades.
Duration Taunt Sounds
Intro - 1.65 seconds
Idle - ∞ seconds
Outro - 4 seconds
Brutetransparent‎‎ Brute
Taunt Name Details
Canslaughter The Brute pulls out a bloxy cola can and will proceed to threaten the enemy. He then open the bloxy cola, drink it, finish, then smash it against his head and throw away the cola.
Duration Taunt Sounds
7 seconds
Taunt Name Details
Snowbro Loop
Snowbro The Brute will roll a snowball. Ending the taunt will cause him to make a snowman that shortly falls apart, he angrily kicks it afterwards.
Intro - 2.01 seconds
Idle - ∞ seconds
Outro - 5.01 seconds
Mechanictransparent‎‎ Mechanic
Taunt Name Details
MiniMechIdle Mini-Mech Mechanic takes out a small robot of himself from his pocket and throws it on the ground, he then uses a controller to operate the robot.
Duration Taunt Sounds
Intro - 1.08 seconds
Idle - ∞ seconds
Action - 3.01 seconds
Outro - 0.18 seconds
Taunt Condescending Clipboard Details
Condescending Clipboard Mechanic takes out a pencil and clipboard and writes a randomized line of text before laughing to himself and putting them away.
Duration Taunt Sounds
7.04 seconds
Doctortransparent‎‎ Doctor
Taunt Name Details
Death's Secretary Death's Secretary A typewriter on a stool appears. Doctor takes a "Certificate of Death" from the typewriter, look at it, laugh, then push the stool and typewriter to the ground as he throws the certificate away.
Duration Taunt Sounds
5.07 seconds
Marksmantransparent‎‎ Marksman
Taunt Name Details
Rickety Rocker Loop Rickety Rocker Marksman will rock back and forth on a wooden rocking chair.
Intro - 2.05 seconds
Idle - ∞ seconds
Outro - 0.16 seconds
Agenttransparent‎‎ Agent
Taunt Name Details
Spell Binder Loop Spell Binder Agent will take out a magic book and read it.
Intro - 3.06 seconds
Idle - ∞ seconds
Outro - 2.14 seconds
Tc2 main‎‎ All Classes
Taunt Name Details
Conga The user will perform the conga.
  • (For voicelines, go to Conga)
Duration Taunt Sounds
∞ seconds
Flanker Rage Taunt
Hissy Fit The user will rage at themselves.
Flanker Laugh
Neener Neener The user points forward and laughs.

Miscellaneous Taunts[]

Miscellaneous Taunts
Tc2 main‎‎ All-Class
Taunt Weapons Details


The user performs a wave.
1.06 seconds

Scrapped Taunts[]

Scrapped Taunts
Agenttransparent‎‎ Agent
Taunt Name Details
Agent Charlatan's Recess

Charlatan's Recess

Agent takes off any cosmetic on her face as she then pulls out a wine glass and drinks it, after awhile before then putting it away.
10.03 seconds

Removed Taunts[]

Removed Taunts
Current Game
Troopertransparent‎‎ Trooper
Taunt Weapons Details
Every Trooper Primary Trooper salutes.
This taunt has been replaced with a original animation as the animation was taken from the Avatar Shop.
3 seconds
Mechanictransparent‎‎ Mechanic
Taunt Weapons Details
Mechanic taunt 2

Eureka Effect

Mechanic dabs in a robotic manner for a short period of time when transporting to his team's base or exit teleporter.
Duration Taunt Sounds
2 seconds
Leaderboard class scout (1)‎‎ Flanker
Taunt Weapons Details
Flanker Sandman Taunt Pre-Rehaul
Sandman Flanker points up to the sky, winds up and swings his melee, instantly killing anyone within range and sending their ragdolls flying.
This taunt has been replaced with its R15 version.
Duration Damage Taunt Sounds
4 seconds 9001
Leaderboard class engineer‎‎ Mechanic
Taunt Weapons Details
Mechanic Melee Taunt Pre-Rehaul


Mechanic dabs in a robotic manner.
This taunt has been replaced with its R15 version.
1 second
Leaderboard class sniper‎‎ Marksman
Taunt Weapons Details
Marksman Primary Taunt Pre-Rehaul

Sniper Rifle
Model IV
Poacher's Pride
Birmingham Blaster
Lifeforce Harmonizer

Marksman kneels down and tips his hat.
This taunt has been replaced with its R15 version, however it is only available for his secondaries.
4 seconds
Marksman Secondary Taunt Pre-Rehaul

Suppressed Solution
Efficient Eliminator
Iron Cover

Marksman points his gun up in the air and shaken his head.
1 second

Bushcutter's Blade
Fighter's Falcata
Winterman's Machet

Marksman quickly swipes right across the machete.
This taunt has been replaced by its R15 Version.
1 second
Roblox Fortress 2
Leaderboard class scout (1)‎‎ Scout
Taunt Weapons Details
Scout Scattergun Taunt

Every Scout Primary

Scout leans back and uses his left hand to slap his butt.
4.22 seconds
Scout Pistol Taunt

Every Scout Secondary

Scout runs in place and after a bit he puts his face in his left hand with his right hand pointing to his head.
4.22 seconds
Scout Melee Taunt


Scout will raise his arms up and look to his right then his left.
5.07 seconds
Scout Sandman Taunt
Sandman Scout will point to the sky before then winding up his bat and swinging it.
Duration Damage Taunt Sounds
5.22 seconds Unknown N/A
Leaderboard class soldier‎‎ Soldier
Taunt Weapons Details
Soldier Rocket Launcher Taunt

Every Soldier Primary

Soldier salutes.
5.22 seconds
Soldier Shotgun Taunt

Every Soldier Secondary

Soldier will point to the sky with his shotgun and then he will shoot 3 times. Afterwards he will salute.
4.22 seconds
Soldier Escape Plan Taunt
Escape Plan Soldier will take a grenade off his chest and then crack his knuckles, he will then jump off the ground with his right hand point up to the sky.
This taunt kill also instantly kills the taunt performer.
Duration Damage Taunt Sounds
5.22 seconds Unknown N/A
Leaderboard class pyro‎‎ Pyro
Taunt Weapons Details
Pyro Shotgun Taunt
Every Pyro Secondary Pyro will rub his hands and then point both hands in front of him.
Duration Damage Taunt Sounds
4.22 seconds Unknown N/A

Developers/Contributor Exclusive Taunts[]

Developers/Contributor Exclusive Taunts
Arsonistransparent‎‎ Arsonist
Taunt Weapons Details
Incendiary Cannon Arsonist does the Trooper's old salute taunt.
This taunt was initially a bug due to some code being leftover from the Rocket Launcher, it was later fixed then silently re-added in the Summer FM update.
4 seconds
Annihilatortransparent‎‎ Annihilator
Taunt Weapons Details
Sentry Buster Detonate

Sentry Buster

The Sentry Buster will slowly crouch down as the large naval mine spins at rapid speeds. At the end of the taunt, an explosion will spawn from the user, killing the user and anyone in the radius.
Duration Damage Taunt Sounds
3 seconds 600
Mechanictransparent‎‎ Mechanic
Taunt Name Details


Not much is known about the Dabby taunt. It makes the Mechanic quickly dab twice upon taunting, and lacks icons.
Doctortransparent‎‎ Doctor
Taunt Name Details
Pop it Pop it The user raises their arms and moves their body left to right.
Duration Taunt Sounds
∞ seconds
Tc2 main‎‎ Multi-Class
Taunt Weapons Details
Trooper Ak taunt

Orange Crit AK

The user performs the Hype Dance.
4.9 seconds
Tc2 main‎‎ All Classes
Taunt Weapons or Name Details
Default Dance in TC2!!

Most Joke Weapons

The user performs the Dance Moves/Poison Dance. Clapping hands and rowing arms while moonwalking in a still position before crossing arms.
Duration Taunt Sounds
6.7 seconds
Default Dance in TC2!!

Canned Death

The user performs an extremely sped up version of the Poison Dance. An audio clip of a person yelling "AMONGUS" plays.
Duration Taunt Sounds
0.838 seconds
Gangnam Style
Gangnam Style
The user performs the Gangnam Style.
Duration Taunt Sounds
∞ seconds
Griddy The user performs the Griddy.
Duration Taunt Sounds
∞ seconds
Take The L
Take The L The user performs a sped up version of the Fortnite emote of the same name.
Duration Taunt Sounds
∞ seconds
MachRun The user to runs forwards, gradually increasing their speed from Mach 1 to Mach 3.
Duration Taunt Sounds
∞ seconds
Abgerny The user will move side to side with their arms stretched out.
Duration Taunt Sounds
∞ seconds

Related Achievements[]


Called Shot
Called Shot
As a Flanker, taunt kill an enemy with your melee weapon.


Spittin' Fire
Spittin' Fire
As an Arsonist, taunt kill an enemy.


As a Brute, taunt kill an enemy with your melee weapon.


A Real Knee Slapper
A Real Knee Slapper
As a Marksman, taunt with your primary weapon after getting a kill 30 times.


Gone and Forgotten
Gone and Forgotten
Throw a rose at an enemy you dominated.


  • You can look around corners with the third person view of taunts. This is most recommended with Conga as the taunt will instantly end when Space is pressed.
    • This can be used with Annihilator in order to see when to detonate out of view sticky traps.
  • With Trooper's Wrecker's Yard you can store 3 rockets and then taunt to prevent yourself from blowing up. This can be used to surprise attack enemies. This is most recommended with Manifest Destiny and Conga as the taunt will not end without a button press.
  • For the Taunt Kills, the best places to successfully get a kill would be an enemy Mechanic's Teleporter, just outside the spawn room, or around corners where opponents can't see you.
    • Taunt Kills have 3-5 seconds to do its "wind up" movement before its "kill" movement, so you'll need to time your taunt carefully.

Update History[]

September 12, 2016

  • Added an exclusive-taunt for P.D.Q. (Undocumented)
  • Added an exclusive-taunt for Sandman. (Undocumented)
  • Added all of taunts for Marksman. (Undocumented)

September 21, 2017

  • Removed all of the taunts from the game. (Undocumented)

August 29, 2018

  • Pressing 'G' will make the character to taunt, however animations are not implemented yet.

November 17, 2018

  • Added the Default Dance taunt. (Undocumented)

November 25, 2018

  • Added the drinking taunt for Flanker.

August 12, 2019

  • Added a melee taunt for Doctor.

August 13, 2019

  • Added a melee taunt for Flanker.
  • Added a melee taunt for Mechanic. (Undocumented)

April 14, 2020

  • Added a primary taunt for Trooper to pay respects to the late Rick May, who was the voice actor for Team Fortress 2's Soldier.

February 21, 2021

  • Annihilators are no longer able to taunt while charging with a shield.

February 22, 2021

  • All lunchbox items are no longer considered to be consumed until the animation completes.

February 22, 2021 (#2)

February 23, 2021

  • Taunt kills are no longer able to deal damage through walls.

March 25, 2021 (Fit with Fitten)

  • Added primary and secondary taunts for Flanker.

March 29, 2021

  • Fixed an issue where the Homerun taunt had a ridiculously large melee range.
  • Fixed an issue where Arsonist could perform the Trooper's primary taunt with the Incendiary Cannon. (Undocumented)

April 23, 2021

  • Overhauled the Trooper's primary taunt.
  • Added secondary and melee taunts for Trooper.
  • Added primary, secondary, and melee taunts for Arsonist. (Undocumented)

June 11, 2021 (Summer 2021)

  • The taunt for Phlogistinator is now shorter.
  • Decreased the base damage for Arsonist's taunt kill from 9001 to 45. (Undocumented)

June 15, 2021

  • Added primary, secondary, and melee taunts for Brute.

December 21, 2021

January 28, 2022 (Various Visuals)

  • Overhauled the following animations:
    • The Flanker's secondary taunt
    • All of the Trooper's taunts
    • All of the Brute's taunts
    • The Marksman's primary and melee taunts
  • Added a guitar theme to Brute's secondary taunt.
  • Added primary taunt for Mechanic. (Undocumented)
  • Added primary and secondary taunts for Doctor. (Undocumented)
  • Added a voiceline to Brute's primary taunt. (Undocumented)
  • Added a slap sound effect to Marksman's primary taunt. (Undocumented)

March 6, 2022 (Item Schema)

  • Overhauled the following taunts:
    • All of the Annihilator's taunts
    • The Eureka Effect's teleport taunt
  • Added secondary taunt for Mechanic.
  • Added primary, secondary and melee taunts for Agent.

March 18, 2022

  • Fixed taunts "jittering".

July 12, 2022 (A "Heavy" Update)

  • Overhauled Flanker's primary taunt. (Undocumented)
  • Decreased the base damage for Flanker and Brute's taunt kills from 9001 to 500. (Undocumented)

July 20, 2022

  • Taunts now have a 1 second delay before ending.

July 22, 2022

  • Fixed a bug where you could taunt while disguised.

July 14, 2023 (The Update with Patches And Content)

July 23, 2023

  • Fixed an issue related to taunting on console.

October 28, 2023 (Typical Horrors III)

July 13, 2024 (Summer FM)

August 10, 2024 (Summer AM)

August 31, 2024

  • Updated Mechanic's primary taunt.

October 19, 2024 (Typical Horrors IV)

  • Added the Hissy Fit to the Fitten Co. Store.
  • Moving taunts no longer cause the user to be stuck to walls if they moved into one.
  • Fixed a bug where Doctor's melee taunt wouldn't emit any sounds.

February 1, 2025 (The New WINTER)

February 3, 2025


  • The Trooper's salute taunt was added as a tribute to Rick May, the voice actor of the Soldier from Team Fortress 2 who passed away due to COVID-19 complications.
  • The taunt animation for the Orange Crit AK was taken from the Hype Dance on the Avatar Shop.
  • The Default Dance was also used for the default taunt in Arsenal.
    • The Default Dance uses a chiptune version of one of the songs played by the emote of the same name in Fortnite Battle Royale.
    • The music played by it was originally the same as the music in Arsenal, until unique music was made for it.
    • The Default Dance is also based on the Poison Dance from the the show Scrubs.
  • The Flanker and Brute's taunt kill audio was taken from an home run call by play-by-play broadcaster Michael Kay during a game between the Baltimore Orioles and the New York Yankees.[1]
  • Mechanic's melee taunt is based off Sportacus' Signature Move from LazyTown.[2]
  • Before it was nerfed to 500 damage on the A "Heavy" Update, the 9001 damage for taunt kills is a reference to the "IT'S OVER 9000!" "IT'S OVER 9000!" meme.
  • Doctor's melee taunt sounds originate from Team Fortress 2's Medicating Melody taunt.
    • The fifth audio listed in that section is actually imitating the "Domination" sound effect from Team Fortress 2.
  • For a short while, there was a bug where Brute and Mechanic were able to go through thin walls and ceilings while using their melee or teleporting taunt, respectively.
  • The Gangnam Style music was hummed by DukeAunarky.
  • Developers can perform the Wave taunt by typing "/e wave" in the chat.


  • Strange Taunts will get points even if that specific taunt is not used.


  1. https://youtu.be/ry-Ks5eQ5OU?t=91
  2. Auntriviafactmechanictaunt
    Sportacus' Signature MoveMechanic taunt 2
    Comparison between Sportacus' signature move and Mechanic's melee taunt.