The Trivia Wall of Shame is a list of the worst trivia facts to have ever been added to the Typical Colors 2 Wiki. It should be seen as a general "trivia to avoid" list when considering what trivia to add to pages.
Feel free to add any particularly poor trivia you may come across below and include which page it comes from. Remember to exclude any usernames from the additions, as it can lead to unjust attacks on the person.
Guidelines for adding trivia can be seen below.
Writing Trivia[]
- Trivia should be short, clear, and concise. All Trivia sections are styled as bullet points, not paragraphs. If the trivia item you are writing about seems to have a particularly long description, consider summarizing it briefly.
- Do not post images or videos to prove a point unless absolutely necessary; however, these can be linked to inline. Most trivia is self-evident and does not need a visual aid. If it is absolutely vital that a video be included, it is better to link to the video than to embed it for trivia. Images should be shown as thumbnails.
- Trivia should not reference other people unless necessary, such as the item that it is supposed to resemble and not the person who made it. Content creators are always referenced on the template to the right of the article, so there is no need to add details on players who have the "Self-Made" quality.
- Trivia should also not include references to Team Fortress 2 other than certain fan-made things by their community and not made by their developers.
- All trivia should have correct grammar, spelling, and formatting.
Removing Trivia[]
Before removing any trivia entry, first consider whether or not it is indeed trivia by following the guidelines below. If it is found not to be trivia, then it should be removed. New editors especially are owed explanations for the removal - State why it isn't considered valued trivia in the edit summary - if you cannot justify removing a trivia entry in the edit summary, you should not be removing it.
I found trivia that I think is bad, but I'm uncertain on it, what should I do?[]
If you find trivia that you think is not supposed to exist, but you're not completely sure whether it is bad, try checking with moderators or admins if possible. Going to the Wiki Discord Server to ask for opinions is also a good option. Make sure to consider the guidelines below and think whether they fit the criteria.
What if my trivia is removed?[]
If your own addition to the Trivia section is removed, do not immediately add it back into the article. First, check the page's history to see who removed the item and if they left a reason in the edit summary. If the person did not leave a reason or if you do not agree with their reason, consider asking them for an explanation or elaboration on the Wiki Discord Server.
Keep in mind that you should be polite about the matter and avoid arguing and complaining over it.
Guidelines for Trivia[]
The following is a set of guidelines to follow when writing trivia. Before making an addition to a Trivia section, try to make sure that the item follows these guidelines. If you believe an item might qualify as trivia but are uncertain, feel free to go to the Wiki Discord and ask for opinions.
What is Trivia?[]
Trivia should be relevant facts about the item in question. They may only be tangential to the actual nature of the page in question but should have a direct relation nonetheless.
- Good trivia: The model is taken from Erik Cassel's Hat in the Roblox Catalog, which was made by ROBLOX to commemorate the death of the co-founder of Roblox known as Erik Cassel, who died on February 11th, 2013 due to cancer (From Cassel's Tilt).
- This trivia is not about the hat itself but expands on one of the pieces of information available about this hat. It is interesting, but has no place in the rest of the page and, as such, is placed in the Trivia section.
- Bad trivia: The Natascha is still referred to as the Ludmilla in TF2's game files (Removed from First Responder).
- This trivia is not about the weapon itself but about TF2's Natascha instead. It is not relevant to the weapon or even the game and thus has been removed.
Trivia should be new information that is not already available in the infobox or best covered elsewhere on the page. It should also be information that does not belong in the infobox or elsewhere on the page.
- Example: Between the Lever Shotgun and the Shotgun, the Lever Shotgun takes 0.76 seconds to reload for the first shell and 0.52 seconds for subsequent shells, whilst the Shotgun takes an entire second to reload the first shell, with the rest of the shells taking 0.5 seconds to reload (Removed from Lever Shotgun).
- The reload speed for both the lever shotgun and the shotgun can already be seen in their damage and function times tables. This trivia merely restates what is depicted in the table.
Trivia should be interesting and/or helpful. This can be tricky since "interesting" and "helpful" are somewhat subjective terms. In general, trivia that displays a non-noteworthy example of something or whose relation to the page is tenuous at best will be considered uninteresting. Trivia should give a reaction similar to "Wow! I did not know that!" from the reader. If most readers' reactions to trivia is similar to "Meh, who cares?", then it is likely not a good piece of trivia.
- Example: When your items get SuperCharged at the end of a game or by a Doctor the Brash Burger will also be SuperCharged (Removed from Brash Burger).
- This is bad trivia because it is not surprising whatsoever. Frankly, it is quite obvious that while under the effects of a Kritzkrieg SuperCharge, the weapon or item in question will receive a glow indicating that it is crit-boosted. Thus, this trivia has been removed from the page.
Trivia items should be factual, not guesses, conjecture, or speculation.
Trivia items should be about released content for Typical Colors 2, meaning that changes during development or any name changes do not need to be reported to the Wiki.
What is Not Trivia?[]
Trivia items should not be obvious to anyone who has played Typical Colors 2 for a reasonable amount of time. Unfortunately, "obvious" may have a subjective definition as veteran players may have a different opinion on what is obvious compared to novice players. Something that is inevitably discovered simply by playing the game or casually studying the subject in question should be considered "obvious", and thus not trivia.
- Good trivia: The name and description of this item references hip-hop artist MF DOOM, who is known for performing while wearing a silver gladiator helmet (From Doomsday Helm).
- This trivia is not considered obvious for most players because they will likely not know who MF DOOM is and will not make a connection between him and this cosmetic.
- Bad trivia: The current model is a recolored and slightly modified version of the Winger (Removed from Airborne Annihilator).
- This trivia is extremely obvious to players who have used both this and the Winger and, thus, is not needed.
Trivia should not state how a characteristic of an item relates to the characteristics of others. This includes but is not limited to listing other items that share a certain characteristic, listing items that do not share a certain characteristic, stating that an item is the first or only item to have a certain characteristic, etc. Often, this will be in the form of "Only 'X' of 'Y' have this feature." "This is the first 'X' to ...", "This is the only 'X' to…", or "This is one of 'N' 'X's to...".
- Example: This is the second animal-related cosmetic (Removed from Ugly Ursidae).
- It is not necessary to list every "animal-related" hat as they are all visible on the Wiki. This item was nothing more than simple counting.
Trivia should not be a bug or glitch with the item, especially if it is not noteworthy, such as a visual glitch or a quickly-patched bug. Additionally, most pages have a "Bugs" paragraph that lists current fixes that should apply to those items, so add information on there.
- Example: In the past, if you pressed the G button while holding it the Flanker will do the poison dance, more known as "Default Fortnite dance" but now it has been removed (Removed from Specialist).
- This was a very minor glitch and was quickly patched. It is not worth mentioning.
Trivia should not be a simple observation of the item. If it can be deduced by simply looking at the item, then it is not trivia.
- Example: When looking at the barrel, you can see the letter H (Removed from First Responder).
- This trivia can be easily seen by anyone who looks directly at the barrel, but it is also quite useless.
Trivia is not a place to tell jokes. The Trivia section is not meant for joking around or being funny; it should be about relevant facts about the item in question that do not fit anywhere else on the page.
- Example: Be warned, the top links may include RickRolls (Removed from ROLVe Rocket Launcher).
- This could've been easily avoided by changing the link into actual footage or simply removing the trivia, as it is just a link. Keep in mind that vandalizing is against the Wikia and Fandom rules, even if it is not listed on this specific page.
Changes to an item or any other game element after release are not Trivia, because the complete changes are listed in the Update logs page.
Wall of Shame[]
Below are all of the found trivia that does not meet this Wiki's standards. Remember to take this list as trivia to avoid adding.
- 50-AE - "Unfortunately, The Sniper from Team Fortress 2 does not have a pistol, stupid Australian."
- Achievements - "The decal of Life Sapper is simply called "Image""
- Agent - "For whatever reason Agent will mini-crit stab when attempting to backstab someone randomly."
- Badwater - "This map is based off of Badwater in Team Fortress 2."
- Bagel - "Despite being called Bagel, there is no signs of Bagel in this map."
- Baseplate - "Well, its gray, and its made of studs."
- Bathroom - "The toilet and sink are not textured properly."
- Big Bite - "This weapon has custom sound effects made by Campyfire"
- Bloxaide - "I Regret not trying to get this with my collectors avenger"
- Bloxy Award - "It was to celebrate Arsenal winning game of the year, despite TC2 having nothing to do with the bloxy awards, not even being nominated."
- Broken Sword - "The Model is similar to The Narsil from the Lord Of the Rings. This may indeed be a reference to this."
- Bullet-stormer - "The best Mechanic primary."
- Classic - "The new model looks strangely like the Underground War Sniper. Which is funny as it is called the "Classic."
- Cow Mangler 5000 - "Most achievements classify the Cow Mangler 5000's shots as "rockets" which they clearly aren't."
- Capture the Flag - "The Underground War is the only map to have a different intelligence briefcase, being replaced with a old school roblox flag."
- Construct - "Construct is able to be changed in the inventory, but has no unlocks."
- Dairy Douser - "The old Version was good as a retreat tool, Run while shooting. (i got a lot of kills this way)"
- Delinquent - "Despite their class render having a Revolver, the Delinquent cannot equip one in any of his weapon slots."
- Dispenser - "The dispencer's face changes when it is damaged, sapped, and healed."
- Doctor - "The Doctor was originally The Medic In Roblox Fortress 2"
- Doublefort - "This map is a recreated version of a Team Fortress 2 map called 2Fort."
- Equalizer - "This weapon is based off the Equalizer from Team Fortress 2"
- Fighting Spirit - "This cosmetic is a reference to the protagonist of Dragon Ball, Goku."
- Fists - "This is the first weapon to show the hands of a Class."
- First Responder - "It has the same whirr up sound from tower defense simulator."
- Fool's Fandango - "It is the tallest cosmetic in the game."
- Furious Flagxe - "The "Flagxe" is part of the name comes from the combination of the words "flag" and "axe.""
- Groovy Grinder - "This weapon has custom sound effects made by Campyfire"
- Greasy Goon - "Greasy Goon cosmetic is based off The Postal Dude in the POSTAL franchise."
- Humiliation - "Both teams can enter each other's spawn, including both winners and losers."
- Humiliation - "Somewhere in Pre-Alpha, everyone used to have the same humiliation pose."
- Hungry - "There are 2 corners to teleport you to one side of the map"
- Hungry - "The puddle of water will kill you if you sep in it"
- Incendiary Cannon - "This is most likely the game thinking this is a rocket launcher (which it is) and allowing to taunt, which can also mean that taunts are tied to the weapon and not the classes."
- Jack-O Roger - "It shoots out black pumpkins, rather than team-coloured pipe bombs."
- Key - "Keys were removed in the revamp of 2019 due to a law that prevents loot box gambling in kids games, Roblox was one of them."
- M134 - "The model is taken from another ROBLOX game, Isle."
- Mad Milk - "Unlike in TF2, there is no sign of a bread monster re-skin in the game files."
- Mad Milk - "It is not Semen"
- Mechanic - "The Mechanic owns a Pizza Parlor with various Animatronic-ified skins from Arsenal, it's unknown why exactly he opened it, or if its even canon in the TC2 universe."
- Military Shotgun - "It's edits are that it's black and grey."
- Military Shotgun - "It's current mesh was taken from the Team Fortress 2 Shotgun."
- Mule Mauler 600 - "A glitch will sometimes occur making the weapon only house two shots."
- Lever Shotgun - "The Lever Shotgun's current model closely resembles the real life shotgun, the Winchester Model 1887."
- Paperboy - "This hat is re-used from another of ROLVe's games for the skin Paperboy."
- Pigeon Mask - "The mask is supposed to resemble a pigeon."
- Pigeon Mask - "Although Flanker looks like a bird, he cannot fly ingame."
- Piss Cakehole - "Lol how did his name get in the game in the first place?"
- Piss Cakehole - "He is based on painis cupcake from freak fortress 2."
- Payload - "The GRN / RED Checkpoint Icons have a Globe and a Diamond Which References both the Companies Logo."
- Randomizer DM - "The DM in the name stands for Deathmatch."
- Roblox Fortress 2 - "Currently its description says 'hi'"
- Rocket Jumper - "The Rocket jumper's projectile looks the G-bomb's projectile."
- ROLVe Rocket Launcher - "Hahah, just kidding, here's the real link."
- Rough Patch - "It can be obtained by collecting the prize on the 25th day of Advent Calender 2021."
- Sapper - "The firing sound for the Sapper uses the old Pistol firing sound from Pre Rehaul."
- Sapper - "The Sapper will make the Mechanic say different voicelines when a building is sapped."
- Saviors Badge - "Brute is the only class that wears the badge on his left side"
- Scythe for Sore Eyes - "The name is an edit of the name of a Pyro cosmetic from Team Fortress 2,Sight for Sore Eyes."
- Shortstop - "Unlike its Team Fortress 2 counterpart, there is no effect for the flanker to perform a shove to push a single enemy away."
- Stainless Pot - "This could be a possible reference to Crazy Dave from the Plants VS Zombies series."
- Sniper Rifle- "In pre-rehaul, the weapon lent its appearance to the Accuracy International Arctic Warfare, Police, or "AWP" for short."
- Sweet Memories -"MrClueless is currently the only player to own a collectors variant of the Sweet Memories cosmetic"
- Team Beret -"The description of this hat implies that baguettes haven't been made yet."
- Thousand Degree Axe - "Despite the model, and 1000 Degree Axe's functionality, the Thousand Degree Axe does not ignite enemies."
- Three-Rune Blade - "This is the first weapon to ever be added on accident."
- Three-Rune Blade - "This is also the first non-stock reskin."
- Turbine Pro - "The map is based on a TF2 map of the same name."
- Turtle Rock - "This weapon's name may be a reference to Turtle Rock Studios, developers of the game Counter-Strike: Condition Zero."
- Taunts - "Some of the tunes played by Doctor's violin taunt sounds are similar to the domination and revenge themes, along with the Team Fortress 2 song "Playing with danger.""
- Ushanka - "Most people who wear this only heal one person and are no good for the team, ironic."
- Upward - "This map is based off of Upward in Team Fortress 2."
- Urban Upriser - "This weapon's stats are based on the Hitman's Heatmaker from Team Fortress 2."
- Ultimatum - "The model for the Ultimatum is borrowed from the stock Grenade Launcher, but with an orange barrel."
- Vs. Bosses - "However, before the Typical Horrors update, the Camper's Climber was banned which was a marksman weapon."
- Vaccinator - "The Vaccinator model was copied from the original Medigun but with a blue-ish color."
- Whereville Wardrobe - "History repeats itself with the incoming 2025 Christmas Update was meant to be released in Janurary 2025, however several delays will see the release in Februrary 2025 instead."
- Widowmaker - "Widowmaker is a term used to describe something that is capable of killing men."
- Winger - "The wings engraved into the sides of the Winger resembles a specific skin from Phantom Forces for the M45A1."
- Winger - "It is a reskin of the Airborne Annihilator."